Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I bet all of you have heard of "WIKIPEDIA" which is pronounce We-Key-Pedia for obvious reason. Its an OpenSource Internet encyclopedia where everyone and anyone can contribute to its content. So have you heard about "WIKITRAVEL (We-Key-Travel)"?

It works in the same style like Wikipedia but its focus on traveling and tourism in different country of in the world. For each country, city, county or destination of interest...all information for tourist are break into the following categories ,

  1. Understand
  2. Get In
  3. Get Around
  4. See
  5. Do
  6. Buy
  7. Eat
  8. Drink
  9. Sleep
  10. Get Out
WikiTravel is a great jump start website to start your holiday itinerary planning but it should not be the only resource you depend on. Its content are contributed by travelers for travelers. Good resource for Free and easy trip or backpacker tour.

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