Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Water kills a fighting fish

I ask the aquarium shop why does the live prawns I brought back for my Arowana never survive overnight in the fish tank? Most died within 24 hours while the stronger ones survive the mysterious death for another day. That Aquarium shop staff told me that nowadays the prawn they got seems to be dying easily despite higher concentration of air bubble and use of leaf water.

A man step into the conversation and told me that its all the "N-Water" fault and he had some rather shocking evidence to prove it. His tale starts with how his good friend and avid Arowana owner did a regular water change, which had always been a peaceful occasion. However one day all his Arowana died after a water change. It sure is a tale to me for Arowana are champion survival even in poor water condition however I took his advise never to change more than half a tank of water each time and put in anti-chlorine and salt before adding in the tap water to avoid "shocking" the fish.

2nd tale involve a personnal experiment done by him. He got a bottle of "N-water" and pour it all into a small little tank where a healthy Fighting Fish lives in. Within 15 mins the colors of the fish faded to dark brown and within an hour the fish is dead in the "N-water". Astonishing tales to me!!! How can it be possible? Its clean and safe water by the way....

3rd tale. Young man collapsing while participating in running even. They use to distribute "N-water" at each drink station but stop after a while and nowadays its all Isotonic drinks. Hmmm...there is no prove to this claim but still surprise to see he was damn convince its the root cause.

I'll take the fact with a pinch of salt for they are just tales but I might wanna try the "Fighting Fish" experiment during the school break.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The complain and scrutinization of a funeral

A certain funeral of a 90+ years old grandma took place with much joyous singing and celebration in my neighborhood for the past few days. Instead of been a solemn occasion, it was a joyful one as everyone present on Sunday at the funeral sang a mother day song for this great grandma who had pass away, leaving behind at less 150 descendants. Never had I encounter a funeral of such grand scale judging not only by the number of people present but the sheer number of "banners" and "flower ring" send by grandmas friends and families. The among of incense papers and huge paper house a also a reflection of the scale of this void deck funeral. Even the minister from Sembawang GRC (an indian man) visited the funeral to pay his respect. My father join in the occasion volunteering to be part of the pallbearers on the "last day" or "Chu Bin" day as his good friend was the son of the grandma. Looks like alot of people wanna be a part of it.

Unfortunately such memorable events were marred by some nosy resident calling the police and complaining about noise pollution. By 10 o'clock, there is a already a white Police Subaru WRX standing by and god knows how many more police around the area waiting if the event bust the regulatory time of 11pm. Apparently this nosy resident cum complainer turn out to be a prominent RC member of my neighborhood. For god sake, this is a funeral and not some void deck party and the singing and chanting are actually only happening for 1 night and quite bearable. Can't we all at less give the spirit of old grandma a break on this occasion and not activate the police on such matters? 100 plus people at the void deck, its understandable that its not easy to keep things silent. This sad incident speaks volume about the quality of this RC member.

Ironically I heard one of the attendance of the funeral is also an RC member of my neighborhood! Talk about friendly firing...

Oh by the way, this remarkable funeral makes it to the newspaper last night. :)