Sunday, November 27, 2011

A new interest.

75% hit rate and an average of 100m. Funny thing is I hit 100++m with number 7 but a disappointing 70m with a number 3. At less the ball goes straight now. More practice at the range to come.

All this years, I had been underestimating this sports. The fact is when one started playing golf (at the range of course), it turn out to be highly challenging from the beginning. Its precisely this challenge that draws me deeper into the interest for the sport. I don't wish to be some pro golfer but just looking into learning and getting good at a new hobby.

Oh gosh, now I have to fund for both my Scuba Diving and Golfing.... All cost $$$$. Hitting 30s means that I can only afford less money and energy on my hobbies. There are more commitments coming down the road from now on. Got to clear my Part Time studies first, which is getting to be a drag after 3 years.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Random Chattering.

I can sense changes in the air. Internal shuffling happening soon. Thinking of getting a underwater strobe light. Damn ...I'm slacking but on the back of my mind I know its time to warm up as the exam month is around the corner. Lacking in inspiration to write an article on the blog which is turning pretty cold. Should blame on Facebook for robbing my 5 cent and 10 cent thoughts away.
I'm slacking...really...but not for long cause 2012 is a year of serious academic crunch for me. So thats why an internal shuffling is needed.

Everyday I'm shuffling....(du du du du du du du)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Counting down to UK

I'm counting down 10 days to my first trip to the UK, for pleasure and for business (school in this case). News from my cousin that the chaos and riot had subsided and life was back to normal right now in the UK. People are continuing their famous daily crossing of Abbey Road.

September will be the month of great touring of London, great mind stressing studies and Cranfield University and relaxing dive holiday at Redang towards the end of the month. After a long long period of no school and lots of fats accumulation, drama watching and day dreaming.... I am finally been kicked back into high tempo mode of studies in September.

Its a interesting feeling. In the past, I always though I never had enough time. When I started my part time degree course, I always had no free time. When I took such long break (June to September) I had too much time on hand and started reading the stock market and learning economics. So the fact is, time is up to an individual to grow or consume.... its all time management.

The stock market had been a series of volatile up and down nowadays. Had been dabbling my hands in a couple of good Shares but had not been too aggressive in fear of burning my hands. Over all, it had not been a really profitable venture so far but from the months of observation, unless its the end of the world (or a company), with good time horizon (time management again), share price usually ride the waves of market sentiments and emotion to reveal the time to Buy and the time to Sell.

Had been reading a lecture by Andrew Sheng . In the Theory of Wealth and Finance - The growth of economy in a macro level or business in a micro level is a combination of Physical Technology + Social Technology + Business Design. Go through your thought processes and you find that the success in this 3 aspect is what makes Apple Inc so profitable today. Same should goes for other great Companies out there.

Monday, April 18, 2011

DIY Flash Diffuser for Fuji Film Waterproof case

Its the diving season again and I will be heading for a short dive trip at Pulau Tioman from Tuesday and will be back on Thursday. Its been almost 5 months since my last dive at Thailand and I really need a refresher dive and also a short escape from Singapore. Thanks Corin for organizing the weekday trip. Its better to go during the weekday as there are less divers around to scare away the sea creatures.

Yet again, I will be the sole underwater photographer for this trip. After losing the flash diffuser for the Fuji Film waterproof case 2 years ago, most of the macro pictures taken looks like this....

As you can see, the zoom port of the waterproof case causes the flash light to cast an ugly shadow at the corner of the pictures. Furthermore the macro shot was over flood with flash light. The sad news was the parts for the waterproof case were out of production and I am resigned to the fate of living with the horrible shadows. One solution is to buy an underwater external strobe light but the whole set will cost $800++, too expensive for a novice like me.

I had decided to DIY the Flash Diffuser using an old milk container, velcro, superglue, Aluminum foil and scotch tapes.

This picture shows the waterproof case missing a flash diffuser at the top right corners. The protruding zoom port is the culprit for numerous shadows from some of my underwater pictures.

Shown above, a DIY flash diffuser cut of in the proper shapes from an old milk container. The velcro strips are glued to the diffuser using Superglue. Velcro strips are used to secure the flash diffuser to the camera.

I decided to stick aluminum foil around the side of the flash diffuser to focus the flash light through the front of the flash diffuser. It was an idea recommended by another flash diffuser DIY website but I doubt it makes a difference. Anyway, no harm trying.

My final creation mounted to the waterproof case. It could had been more visually appealing but it achieve what it suppose to do as shown in the test shot below.

All that is left now is to test the waterproof case underwater and I pray the DIY flash diffuser will not fall apart underwater. Special thanks to Garfield for the super long term loan of the camera and waterproof case.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Generation of people

Gen X- We don't ask too much question :X

Gen Y- Ask a lot of question :Y

Gen Z --- Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....lazy to ask question. Lazy to even carry their own field pack.... Silver Spooners!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

CIA created Facebook and Twitters!

Massive protest in Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, Iran and god knows which middle east country will be next? Could this be yet another secret dirty work by the CIA to overthrow a countries regime from within? It might be no surprise as countries like Panama, Nicaguara, South Vietnam (now defucted) and Iran had once upon a time had it government overthrown by local populace supported and funded by the CIA. Cuba came close to be a victim but failed terribly in "The Bay Of The Pig" incident.

Today Protesters rallied through the use of social internet media like Facebook and Twitters which coincidently were both created in USA. What may well be good business of social networking may secretly harbour a different agenda for the CIA. To create a puppet state, to secure the oil resources and to create more jobs for Americans through contractor work? Hmmm...maybe.

So are we able to rally a massive protest that mirror those that are happen in the Arab countries? After the bonanza of our government Budget 2011 handout, this will yet be an even far fetched reality. Looking forward to the 70% education subsidy for part time students!

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Help identify this purple slimer...

During my December diving trip at South Andaman Sea, I came across this interesting purple jello slimer during one of the night dives. It clings to the sandy bottom and moves at a speed of roughly 1cm/s. Despite my search online, I could not identify this strange creature. Fellow divers and marine lover, will appreciate your education.