Saturday, September 16, 2006

Thank God and the Devil its Friday!


Been a super crazy week, been working the graveyard shift and been literally through more than 12 hours of work for the past 4 days. From 3pm to 3am and more, its as tough as it can get as our guys attempted to clear up as much outstanding work as possible before the end of the week. This week, I almost seen both Sunset and Sunrise on and off work. Have been told by my senior this kind of working timing was nothing new in the past under a different management who advocated that extra money for oversea deployment means stretching the working hours. Boy do I have a false sense of comfort sometime when we worked standard 8 to 5, its time to get use to this torturous timing else be left behind in the rat race.

Few days this week it really wreck my heart to see my morning shift guys still busy like a bee with paperworks even when the Sunset when they should have been home resting. Are we Commandos or what? Is this war or peacetime? To be rationale, stretching the hour time and again will test our real capability to substain those dire period like war and disaster relieve and not those normal peace and relax period. Like what my Detachment Commander "K-Rod" have mention, "When the shit hit the fans, you know who are the capable guys and who are your friends". So very true, there are fair weather friends and colleague and there are those who stick with you through the tough times.


Thanks to my close colleague advise, I was taught not to complain about work on saturday and not because I accepted the fact, just trying to invite less trouble for myself. Heard my immediate Boss was not happy about some guys like me complaining about Saturday work and told the guys "ITS PART OF OUR JOB". And no one gonna stay in the bad books of the Boss, so I have to learn to "SHUT THE F*** UP", Take Orders without question and work like a soldier. I only consider urgent or emergency aircraft maintenence work to be good weekends work cause thats my core job. Otherwise, just give me the peace of a good 48 hours weekend to regroup my mind and body. Sigh...looks like I am just starting to learn about this organization.


Predict another round of hours stretching work tonight but knowing that its Friday take some weight off from my mind. 1 final day to go before finally embracing the weekend. Lots of shopping and preparation to do for my Canada trip next week. Have to get a Laptop sleeve so I could bring my laptop around Toronto to continue blogging.

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