Double Culture Shock!!!
Went on a City jalan jalan tour with a new guy I met at the Hostel name Baha. He is from Egypt but have stayed in Canada for almost 4 years. We headed to China Town in the morning for Baha first culture shock. Went into a Dim Sum store and ordered some "Long" of Dim Sum... have to avoid pork cause he is an Arab, although he don't mind at all. Next thing is to teach him how to use to chopstick and how to grab those food. He sure is not gonna give up after 4 mins trying to grab the chicken feet from the plates. Eventually Baha gave up and just use the chop stick to poke and eat but he did manage to get the hang of it after sometimes.
Baha invited me to this small cafe at Baldwin Street, west from Spadiana Ave. What turn out to be a normal looking street side cafe was actually a marijuana smoking joint c.u.m cafe. So the customer order drinks and smoke marijuana without breaking any laws. As a matter of fact, after finding out from Baha, the police don't bother people smoking marijuana provided they don't sell it. If no one sell it, it means that user have to grow it in their own backyard and the cafe sell books teaching you how to grow marijuana plant. The Cafe don't get into trouble cause they only sell drinks and provide a place for smoking although ironically they sell the books, the pipe and the rolling paper (no marijuana). Unfortunately I am not able to take pictures in there else get myself beaten up for intruding others privacy but think of the cafe like a Starbucks with Marijuana smoking. Needless to say, I learn what the smell of Marijuana is like from all those 2nd smokers from the young, the old, the professinal office workers and the hippy in there.
This whole stretch of street is the Orchard Road of Toronto City and it stretches all the way to the northern end of Canada. 1887km long! You find shopping, nightclub, restauraunt and strip bars all along the road. I came here late at night and haven't got the time and energy to fully explore it yet, so the field report is going to be a bit limited. However did see some street vibrancy in term of art and music. Something you can't find in Singapore is the liberty to draw on the concrete walkway, maybe even permit won't be issue for creative vandalism...
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