Booze with International friends
Went for a evening walk around Downtown Toronto and got a bit loss along the way. Thankfully all the streets are either in the North South direction or the East/West. With a tourist brochures map and a few recognizable landmark, manage to find my way back to the Hostel. I thought the weather is gone be freezing cold at 12 degrees Celsius however it turn out that this is the best period to be in Toronto. Not too warm and not to freezing, just the right weather provided you wear a jacket while outdoor. It was drizzling a bit but the low humidity literally dry you up before the water seep through the clothing. Lip Balm is a must!
Got back to the hostel and join a few International friends for round of beer over a talk cock session. There is Hugh and Shmes from Ireland, Angus an Indian and a optometrist from England, Sarah the Financial Adviser from England too, Logan from New Zealand and a Scottish guy who I forgotten his name revolve around sex, boobies, our jobs, our different English Accent and where to go in Toronto. Man....Irish people sure can drink a lot and still stay sober. Apparently one of them have been drinking since 4pm this afternoon, its 8.30pm when I met up with them and after 2 glass...I am concuss...
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