Friday, January 25, 2008

Now Watching: Terminator, Sarah Connor Chronicles

I am watching this TV series right now. The series is base on the events after Terminator 2 where Sarah and John Connor is on the run from the government for their role in the destruction of Cyberdyne the company that create Skynet. John Connor have to survive under the protection of his mother to ensure that he will be able to lead the human resistance against the sentinel SkyNet robots in the future. As the story in episode 1 developed, John Connor was attacked by, as usual, a Terminator Assassin send back from the future but he survived thanks to a female Terminator send by his future self to protect himself (very paradox).

So far the story of Episode 1 ended with Sarah Connor, John Connor and the female Terminator (who look pretty hot) using a time machine to travel few years into the future to escape the pursuit of the Terminator Assassin.

I think its a pretty good series to watch especially for anyone who have watch the 3 Terminator movies. It fills up the story gap between the events of Terminator 2 and Terminator 3. The show is now broadcast on FOX TV Network but available for download from using the bittorrent software

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