Monday, January 01, 2007

Good Bye to the Volatile 2006, Hello Mysterious 2007

Boy....what a great way to spend my first New Year eve in United States...Base Guard Duty. Never have my New Year eve been so peaceful and quiet. No countdowns, no party popper, no rowdy crowd and less the agony of taking public transport after the New Year party. Just 2 guys (not faggots), a couple of security guard, a few guard dogs and the "Dustbin" Ferrets to welcome the New Year 2007 in Peace Prairie Detachment. HOPE YOU GUYS DRINK YOURSELF SILLY FOR THE NEW YEAR!!! Happy New Year 2007!!!

The Year 2007 marks the 3 years old Birthday of my blog "Riccardo talk cock, Sing Song and Play Mahjong". And for the record I have blogged 245 times of my Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Complains of work, bragging, sorrows... of girls and boys, man and women, evil boss and great Enciks, the darkest hours and my adventure in United States. Of course its alot of cock talking and blogging right here sometimes but to survive the blog for 3 years and to make blogging my life long hobby eventually is kinda a achievement myself. Even thought I am not sure who is reading my blog at all cause there is just so little comments but will keep it going through 2007. What is interesting is 5 to 10 years down the road, when you blog for many years, you could look back into your life and laugh or cry about yourself. Thats the beauty of a online journal.

So here I go, summarizing my life in year 2006. The memorable moments and the painful moments and the funny blog that I have blog about for this 1 year and my thoughts about it right now... This means I got to read back on my blog from Jan 06 to Dec 06. Lots of stuff I have wrote and I have forgotten so its nice to revisit again.


The above blogs was written at the beginning of the New Year. The year 2005 have been a very very very bad year for me as far as losing lots of Vitamin "M" is concern. So far my ship have been sailing steadily and have in fact reached 'The New World' like Chistopher Coloumbus. (The New World is actually USA). Interesting look into my Chinese Zodiac. So far I make no achievement in what so ever wood industry mention in the prediction. As for Romance, I consider myself in courtship as the prediction are said and yes, I feel the obstacle right now due to both our distances and time zone difference from each other and I just hope we both could overcome this obstacles well together.

Jan 06 -- 26th Jan 06

When it comes to money, its the war between the Devil and the Angel. Coming to the USA, with all the numerous sales each weekend and the BIG sale on many public holiday. One could nearly succumb to the Devil's will. The fight between our Angels and Devils is getting stronger everytime the discount get higher! Research is the key to good pricing, and prudency is the wise to buy things. I buy what I need so far but will be increasing my spendings in Year 2007 to get some really cool novelty item not sold in Singapore so that I can start a small Online business (E-Bay or Yahoo Auction) when I am back in 2008. Have been getting lots of guidance from my Angel side of mind to get into RC Helicopters recently and have been doing some research into the hobby before buying my first RC helicopter. Learn not to jump into any thing without thinking with my head. The Angel is strong so far...

Feb 06 -- Garang Little Bee

THATS NOT ME IN THE PICTURE. Can't believe revisiting this blog after so many months. I look totally horrible from that Bee sting. Still, I am amazed how this bee decided to sacrifice his life in the most unusual way... flying into a bikers helmet while he is travelling at 50km/hr uphill and stinging him right between the eyes (head shot). I am still alive now but could have suffer some P.HD (Permenant Head Damage) that I might not be aware of. What I am aware of is I have rashes and difficulty breathing the next time I get another insect sting and it happen right here in United States few months ago. I was totally covered in Rashes and nearly need to head off to the hospital due to increase difficulty in breathing. Learn that the flu medicine that makes you and me drowsy is an excellent Anti-Allergy medication cause two tablets miracluously stop all the Allergic reaction but it makes me super drowsy.

Mar 06 -- Paintball Shoot Out

Really enjoy my first paint ball game and the group picture we took look so cooooolllll..... Got to pay alot for the game but it was fun for everyon non-theless. Was having headache during that period to rope in people to join in for the game. Some have no time while some find it too expensive. But manage to organize this small sucessful gathering for everyone. All my good friends are either busy with work or with family, looking back at the sucess...I thought I could be the event planner the next time and organize for gathering activity for the guys. Right here is the US, we play paint ball in the forest like real combat soldiers with gullies suit camoflage, ambush and even vehicle convoy sometimes. Its a bigger arena right here and much much more shagging and need more tatical planning than playing in a small backyard compound.

April 06-- Singapore is bloody hot!!

Ok, I admit...I wish I was back in Singapore with the Sun right now. I realise I am not a cold loving guy. My hands get cold very easily. I miss the sun and the heat back in Singapore now and can't wait to get back in March. So far the hottest temperature experienced is still in Singapore while the coldest was -3 degree celsius here in US.

May 06 -- Welcome to US

Its been almost 8 months in US right now. So far its been life-changing in terms of career and life. I love this country but have so far been confined to TEXAS Dallas. All work and no play make Riccardo and dumb boy and Dallas is getting boring. My plan for this 2 years in US is nothing short of visiting as much places as possible on this continent. Plan for year 2007 is a road trip with couple of guys to Petrified Forest and Yellow Stone Park. Next will be a visit to California and the San Andreas Fault line. Finally before my trip end, a short tour to New York by plane to experience the city most featured in movies. This country is just too big, so I have been selective...

June 06 -- The night is so short, so are those shorts!

Hmm....Hooters girls.... This is where our RT (Rotortunist Section) holds their farewell party for guys going back to Singapore after their tour of duty right here. I like the girls not just for their body but they are really excellent host and deserve every dollar of tips they get.

July 06 -- Ant Colony, Finale!!!yu

Probably the strangest pet I ever kept in United States. Ants, Harvester Ants to be exact. All dead and sprouting fungus right now. Will be getting couple more to re-populate the tank beginning of next year. I still got a spare Ant Aquarium at home, might be planning to donate the old one to my airbase as a nice desk aquarium and a future desktop lighting when the ants die. One of the coolest stuff I ever own in US.

September 06 -- A Call from the Vet...

Still, its a mystery and crime unsolved to me. WHO KILL MY PET! Which Mother F//*/#$$&*&ker SOB would do such a cruel thing? Although it have been months but I just couldn't help suspecting the obvious. God will be the judge. I will never never tolerate animal abuse in my life after this incident.

September 06 -- Day 3 Toronto: Niagara Falls

Still the most breath taking sight of my life. I will definately revisit Niagara Falls again before the end of my tour of duty in USA. Just so awesome. Regreted not getting the Inniskillin Ice Wine from the Winery at Niagara, will get a few bottles of it back to Singapore as collection. Sweet tasting wine from the world famous waterfall..

Oct 06 -- Post Maiden Sushi Making Report

My first time making Sushi!!! It take so much time and effort that I think the next time I gonna make it, it will be back home with my girlfriend or family. Still a pretty good effort for a first timer, don't you think so?

Nov 06 -- Something I learn today

I should print out those sketchy comics I make and paste it on our base noticeboard and see whats the reaction of the bosses. Still feel the "Empire" got a huge room for improvement in policy and processes. Can someone like me, even though junior ranking, have the right to say about the system and the oppurtunity to make positive and convinicing changes to our current processes? Its not about cutting corners but about streamlining and the Empire needs a lot of Streamlining at the moment. The "Empire" just have too much friction in everything they do and friction create heat, heat create undue stress, stress leads to frustration, frustration leads to Anger and Anger leads to occupational depression...

Dec 06

Well the best blog for Decemeber should be this one I am writing right now. Because its the last blog of the year and there can only be one blog of its kind. Hmm...I can hear the sound of Firework at the moment. Boom Boom Boom....its Year 2007!!! And it another moment to plan what I gonna do for 2007.

1) Pick up RC Helicopter as a Hobby. Always wanted to do so but bordom in Dallas finally got me out of the sit and into the cockpit. Starting out with a 4Channel RC Helicopter first so as not to discourage myself from complex control and expensive crashes. Once I get the hang of it, will be moving on to 6 Channel and finally gas powered.

2) Get my FAA Certification. Cost about US$1000 to get the certification but its a great aircraft certification that will qualify me to work in US Aviation company as a technician when I leave the Air Force in the near future. I plan to work in US in the future but I knew it is going to required lots of studying and practice of my trades.

3) To improve my life and personlity through Buddhism. The teaching guides me well during my darkest time and I have not been practicing and read the teachings lately. Only through consistent contact with the teachings will I be able to live a life of love, compassion and wisdom. I have been neglecting spritual improvement lately and one can actually feel the emptiness after a while. Its not a religion...its a science of life.

Not going to make too much plans for 2007, the focus for the year will be the undivided attention to this 3 big plans, Past-times, Career, Spritual improvement.

Happy 2007 New Year to all of you and Peace and Love be always with you.

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