Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday Modeling Activity

Went Toys R Us with "Ah Girl" yesterday to look for "Turn Turn" Machine. Turn out there is no "Turn Turn" Machine and ended up buying a Romance Of Three Kingdom Gundam model kit. 2 for the price of 1, for S$27 I got myself Zhao Yun "赵云" on a White horse and ZhuGe Liang "诸葛亮". Of course, this famous Chinese personalities are represented in SD Gundam form.

Currently at home are 2 boxes of MG grade Bandai Model kit, a Red Zaku II (Pilot: Char) and the RX-78-2 Gundam (Pilot: Amuro Ray). I know where my modeling skills stand currently....absolute amateur, thus I have big apprehension embarking on this 2 model kit which had a combine cost of S$140. Thats why I got the "Three Kingdom" SD Gundam for they are simple and smaller in scale thus easier to construct and of course they are cheaper if I screw up on the construction or painting.

Always good to adopt proper practices and habit when embarking on a new activity. With that statement in mind and lots of free time for patience on Sunday... I embark on the construction phase of the "Zhao Yun". Although an small scale activity, it took me the whole afternoon to finish 80% of the construction. Cutting, Filing, Sanding, Inspection and Re-Filling, Re-sanding and Re-inspection. Well, one thing about concentrating on table-top activities is the disorientation when one leave the seats for toilet and drink break. The eye just got so fixated on hours of close up activity that it took awhile to orientate itself to seeing distance object. Learn something...always take a break every 30min of "Table-top" activity.

Still a fair amount of work to be done for the "Zhao Yun" model. I am still deciding if I wanna do spray painting of the model kit or just leave it in its stock, plastic colors. In the mean time, I will not be snapping the different colored pieces together and applying the decals/stickers. Will be spending more time on the QA for the individual sub assemblies to ensure plastic risers are properly sand down and cured plastic cements that oozes out from mating lines are filed down.

Christmas is just round the corner. I hope I can made it in time...

My work desk. Feels like Singapore...small but sophisticated. Do you like the poster of the lesbian?

The Air Force enforce me to read manual for every kind of work to be carried out. That habit goes to modeling as well.

Unlike human being, model are born in pieces while human are born complete.

What did I say? Pieces. At less it got a head and torso.

I'm only 80% done with the construction phase, 0% on the painting phase and got 0% attention span to carry on for the day.

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