Monday, May 19, 2008

Seasonal Allergy

Now I wanna blame my flu and sore throat to seasonal allergy. The chocolate Ben and Jerry ice cream is just a catalyst to break the final body defense for a full blown allergic reaction. Its always the case for last year spring I got a bad case of flu and sore throat, so is this year. Body recovering well right now after taking my house mate medication which he brought for US$100 last year for his persistent sore throat and flu. Its call Allegra-D 24 and its works like magic! One pill and all the symptoms are gone. Still got that little bit of throat sensation though but I'm glad I was able to have dinner with my RT section guys and our two new comer, Encik Foo and Mark Ghin.

Almost 2 weeks to go before my tour of duty ends. At less I sold my car and whats left now are the bits and pieces of clearance to do before I can step out of here. Call it forced responsibility if you want to but I don't need all this clearance form to be responsible for making sure things are in shape and nothing is own to "Ah Kong" before I leave PP Det. As I always like to mention to the guys taking over my appointment, I am just a phone call away if they need help. 1 week is just too short of a time to do a proper handing over in my opinion. RUSH RUSH RUSH, I felt.

I only have 2 days to handover my Tools and TMDEs to Hock Wee and JunYao, both of them arriving in Dallas coming Saturday. Man... should have at less a two weeks overlap to ensure a proper handing over. Now I can't help it but force all the handing over paper down their throat and let them digest it later on. Poor me and Poor them....

"Sometimes there are things you need to pick up the courage to do. If you tell yourself you got to do it now or regret not doing it later on, you will have all the courage to do it. Sometimes you have to think it this way, rather to do it now, screw up and regret than regret not doing it at all. At less you tried and learn it don't work out, rather than not even trying at all."

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