Steamed and well done.
Sometime I amaze myself of how stupid and lack of SA (Situation awareness) I can be when it comes to warning sign and kitchen hazard...
and the hazard today came from a steam vent of the kitchen while I was cooking some rice to go with the canned curry chicken and mutton. I was searching for something in the cabinet above the rice cooker and a portion of my arm was almost well done by the steam within seconds....
Excruciating pain! You know the story of the frog sitting calmly in the water while it slowly heat up and boil but it still did not jump out? I think I am the frog right now, casually placing my tricep over the steam vent for a minute too long. I wonder why I did not feel the steam initially before it took a layer of skin of my arm.
Milk is an effective pain reliever of burns so I soakrd my arm in a plate of milk. Have to drive down to Walgreens to get some First Aid. I suggest every family to have a first aid kit at home I regret not having one at home. Instead of 12 days to heal, a properly dressed burn wound only take a week.
whhahahhah, happened to me before, but ur 1 more jia luck
what a scald! Be more careful ya.
Oh ya.. just want to comment on your blog layout. If you want to post adverts, try to put it on the top above your history. This way viewers can see the ads straight without having to scroll all the way down. Plus, it catches attention more easily.
Have you tried putting more ads? Like mine? =)
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