Thursday, October 16, 2008

Two battle, 5 more to go!!!

Sunset at Seletar Dam

13th October was battle 1, the "Human Factor" test. 20 question, 75% passing mark and no demerit points for a wrong answer. More than 3 wrong answer and I will loss this battle. 16th October, Today was battle 2, the "Electrical Fundamental" test. 50 question, 75% passing mark More than 12 wrong answer means I will loss this battle. Its all multiple choice question and just a simple probability and percentage mathematics will reveal that its easier to pass a 50 question paper at 75% passing grade than a 20 question one. Just take the extreme for example... if the paper only offer 5 question from the 100 question that can be selected for a test, fail if get more than 1 wrong answer and on the other end 100 question give you a 25 percent benefit of doubt. This means even if you don't know the exact answer, by making a wild or calculated guess of 25 question you will bound to get a few of them correct. So I'm pretty confident of passing the Electrical Fundamental test even though I had been guessing some answer for the multiple choice question (I made couple of lucky guess after I got home to confirm the answer). No so confident for the Human Factor test though for a I made some "human factor" mistake in a few question. Keeping my finger cross.

Just got the letter of acceptance from SIM for the Aerospace System Degree program. Looks like I had until 27th October to accept their offer for the Jan 2009 intake else I will have to defer to July 2009. Now all thats left is negotiation with shift IC, small boss, middle boss and big boss to allow me to work the normal shift. The thought of convincing them that I will still be able to contribute effectively even in a normal shift is daunting. 27th October deadline just aggravate the stress!!! I think I need to call SIM to request a deadline extension. 所谓人在江湖,生不由己... thats the challenge of negotiation for personal commitment outside regular work and thats battle 3 scheduled for next week.

Battle 4,5,6 and 7 goes to the following test on Monday and Wednesday; 1)Mathematics, 2)Physics , 3)Material and Hardware, 4)Maintenance Practice. Got the whole weekend to skim through the past year papers.

Recently found out that a couple of "Old Knights" I knew of are browsing my blog. Had been advice by them not to write things that will send the wrath of the Empire against me. Maybe I am already been monitored by some secret agent of the Empire, waiting for the right opportunity to sprung on me. Restriction here and restriction there. Sometimes its not because there is no avenue of commenting or critics but there are times when things goes NATO in the empire (No Action, Talk Only) that one have to find another channel of expression. Its the internet, its the freedom of speech but of course there is a price to pay for defamation (in Singapore and now in Malaysia too). So its important to choose words wisely like "in my opinion", "my views", "my guess" and not stating things a matter of fact unless its a fact.

Sadly there are things that must always remain in the dark both for personal protection and the protection of others dearest to me. Something I can write into a book in days to come when I am free from certain persecution. Sometime truth is harder to handle than fiction. Thats why there is such things call Politics....looks nice in speech, nice on paper but absolutely poor in action all thanks to the natural tendency for personal gains of certain people or group. As roughly said by social engineer Jacque Fresco --

"Its not politics that bring you light bulb, food on the table, television, Internet, Car, Solar Power, Youtube, Facebook... its Technology and its the creation of a selfless mind and endless knowledge power of a basic human nature."

"Researching and developing solutions is the only way for a society to move forward. The answers do not lie in electing the right people to government."

"Sometimes its not that I bochup but I am simply tired of the bull shit."

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