Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Sin City

The modern society, a first world country. Its a breeding ground to be the next Sin City. Some might support the idea of the necessary evil , a minor sacrifice for the advancement of mankind. Its a Sin City no doubt and its the other end of our country's double edged sword, one end for advancement and the other end the mold and corrosion.

To defend against this evil of indulgence, for yourself, your friends or your love ones... sometimes diving into Hades is experience hellfire appear to be a wise choice. Its like a vaccine which in the medical world is developed from the inactive virus of a potent strain... injected into a healthy host (animal and man), it will train the body immune system to fend off the actual virus itself. Call it a simulation, training, drill or whatever. The same goes for the Sin City. To fight evil, first you got to experience evil itself, to realize your weakness and your strength of defense against what the Sin City got to offer. Its a vaccine development. Thats a challenge though because its a thin line on each side and the odds weight heavily of succumbing to the realm of evil, been controlled by it without realizing the vulnerable position you are. Some people just went too far ahead and never return.

One cannot be too naive and not in touch with the situation around him/her. It probably do more harm than good not to experience sin itself in a controlled does.

Its worry to see that happen to friends around me. The over indulgence of the product from Sin City brings only temporary happiness and ends with a spiking headache and hangover. Maybe its like morphine, a man full of worries and problem looking for a one stop solution to hold the pain. Deception, lies and blatant ignorance either to themselves or to others dear to them.

Have you watch the movie Matrix? In the movie, the human are in eternal control of machines and software, living in illusion. Neo fight against the system knowing very well the flaws and limitation in it since he was once under it control too. Its the choice of the blue pill or red pill (i forgot which one he choose). I hope I got this red pills to offer my dear friends...

What we need a guardian, a mentor or a good teacher who have gone to the City and back (they are already immune). They will give proper direction to an otherwise infected human character and values of people living under the Sin City program. Ultimately its up to the individual to choose...

As Neo reaches for the red pill Morpheus warns Neo "Remember, all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more."

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