Thursday, October 30, 2008

Revoltech: Patlabor Ingram

I must watch my budget...I must watch my budget...I must watch my budget. This month I bust my budget. Time to stop heading out to exotic clubbing session with bro. Next year onwards will be embarking on a many years part time degree course at SIM. Must save up or wind up on the street. Money Money Money. As long as there is a constant supply of money, life will be easy...for this society we are living in.

And now, presenting the next Revoltech series of toy I just took out of storage, its the Ingram robot from the Anime Patlabor. I think its cool...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Facebook is fun!

Oh boy, now I just realize how much fun I have neglected. After registering myself with Facebook last year, I never went back to my Facebook until recently when an old friend told me to add her to my friend list. Today, I found myself writing more details into my profile and uploading fresh pictures into my Facebook. I find it a very good avenue of personal marketing and promotion. Maybe can use it as part of my resume in the future?

Talking about future. Been reading the book "The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People". There is this topic in "Beginning with the end in mind" about taking the time, sitting down and write a draft personal mission statement. This personal mission statement is not a static one but one that improve and enhance with time. I thought it will be good to write it in my favorite media of writing, this blog. I need some time to look into the mirror of life, give much thought process to it, examine successful wise people of the past before writing down the principles that will form the foundation of my personal mission statement. I'll start with this statement which I find it to benefit not only me but people around me.

"As a citizen or resident of this world, my mission is the acquiring of knowledge and to share it. Knowledge that is not only for a career but to share with to bring the best out of others. For the Earth turn and the world stop turning when people stop giving."

It might sound a bit shallow now but of course as time goes by, I will refine it. Let this be the first of the few important mission statement that will be the guiding beacon of my life (Hopefully I got at less 3 more decades to go).

Today went for Lunch and Karaoke with Jie Jie and MK. It was a great outing with them and made some new friends. Sung this nice song with them in the Karaoke... Beyond - 情人. Hmm Lover? New love? I'm not sure if I'm ready for one, my action and the passage of time will tell.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Sin City

The modern society, a first world country. Its a breeding ground to be the next Sin City. Some might support the idea of the necessary evil , a minor sacrifice for the advancement of mankind. Its a Sin City no doubt and its the other end of our country's double edged sword, one end for advancement and the other end the mold and corrosion.

To defend against this evil of indulgence, for yourself, your friends or your love ones... sometimes diving into Hades is experience hellfire appear to be a wise choice. Its like a vaccine which in the medical world is developed from the inactive virus of a potent strain... injected into a healthy host (animal and man), it will train the body immune system to fend off the actual virus itself. Call it a simulation, training, drill or whatever. The same goes for the Sin City. To fight evil, first you got to experience evil itself, to realize your weakness and your strength of defense against what the Sin City got to offer. Its a vaccine development. Thats a challenge though because its a thin line on each side and the odds weight heavily of succumbing to the realm of evil, been controlled by it without realizing the vulnerable position you are. Some people just went too far ahead and never return.

One cannot be too naive and not in touch with the situation around him/her. It probably do more harm than good not to experience sin itself in a controlled does.

Its worry to see that happen to friends around me. The over indulgence of the product from Sin City brings only temporary happiness and ends with a spiking headache and hangover. Maybe its like morphine, a man full of worries and problem looking for a one stop solution to hold the pain. Deception, lies and blatant ignorance either to themselves or to others dear to them.

Have you watch the movie Matrix? In the movie, the human are in eternal control of machines and software, living in illusion. Neo fight against the system knowing very well the flaws and limitation in it since he was once under it control too. Its the choice of the blue pill or red pill (i forgot which one he choose). I hope I got this red pills to offer my dear friends...

What we need a guardian, a mentor or a good teacher who have gone to the City and back (they are already immune). They will give proper direction to an otherwise infected human character and values of people living under the Sin City program. Ultimately its up to the individual to choose...

As Neo reaches for the red pill Morpheus warns Neo "Remember, all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more."

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A man's wisdom lives on when he is not around

There were books of biography from past and now there are personal blogs. Each medium serve as an excellent channel for individual to share their great wisdom, values and principles of living with the rest of the world. This is especially so for Dr Lee Kum Tatt's blog which I stumbled upon while reading former NTUC CEO Tan Kin Lian's blog on current Singapore financial saga. I highly recommend you to browse through his blog especially on his views on Education. I find it very enriching and set my motives/goals of education especially when I myself is embarking on a degree programme next year. Besides his view on Education, as a scientist himself the late Dr Lee also wrote about his life in the field of Science and Technology. Finally another interesting read will be "The Pen is mightier than the sword". I will give this wisdom loaded but simple design blog a 10/10 for the great contribution of words to improving our society.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Human Compression.

I'm driving and I enjoy the comfort of having my own transport, be it bike in the past or car in the present. Its a matter of exchanging money for comfort, sacrificing for the instalment and operating expenses every month for my Mitsubishi Lancer that could be otherwise spend else where. I'm not rich and I am in the middle class. So I can't be extravagant on my spendings. Instead of driving to Changi Airport and parking there for 5 hours (which will easily cost S$15) just to take the Mathematics and Physics CAAS exam paper, I decided to take the public transport instead. Actually I cheated a bit since hitch a ride on my sis car to her office in Bedok and took a train from there instead.

Best place to call a home, Changi Airport.

From Changi Airport, I took the MRT and headed to Plaza Singapura to shop. On my way home in the evening peak hours where many other people like you are getting off work from the City and heading back home, this is a common sight in a MRT Train,

Jam packed and compressed... this is what every developed city in the world faces; the peak hour "Human Compression". You never have to move more than an inch before you intrude into another person comfort zone which had been intentionally shrunk for the sake of heading back home after a long day facing their bosses music (Boss drive car home by the way). Every time the door slides open at another Station, I wonder just how much more passenger the train can take before it stops moving. Thankfully, Singaporean had much intuition themselves not to further threatened the comfort bubble of fellow commuters by forcing themselves into a fully packed train.

Its been a long time since I last took a train from the City back home during peak hours. After so many years, the issue of crowded probably overloaded peak hour train still exist. Everyone wonder whats with all the transport fare hikes and little improvement to peak hour traffic flow? Sadly why do the privatised transport company had to care at all? As long as fellow Singaporean (and now many foreign worker) scan their EZ Link card and enter the train platform, money goes to the company regardless if they catch the train in 5 minutes, 15 minutes or 30 minutes later due to overcrowded train. Stuck in a traffic jam while driving is due to choice but stuck at the same station with late train or no-capacity train is beyond many commuters choices.

Recently a certain local public transport bus company was fined S$1000 for not following the arrival schedule. In retrospect, if you are caught are fined S$200, caught littering you are fined $120, caught Jaywalking fined S$20, parking without coupon S$30 and you only earn S$2500 a month compare to the public transport company reaping in an income of at less 5 figures sum. What the hell is a S$1000 fine to them? Its not even half the salary of a bus driver.

As car owners are at the mercy of COE and ERP, people taking public transport at at the mercy of the Public Transportation Company. However the irony of the situation is no matter how much "Human Compression" there are in the morning and evening peak hour traffic, a country economy and thus the livelihood of the salary worker will come to a halt without a public transport system for small country or small city like Singapore or New York City, a place where the 5 figure salary man takes public transport to work and leave the car at home.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Two battle, 5 more to go!!!

Sunset at Seletar Dam

13th October was battle 1, the "Human Factor" test. 20 question, 75% passing mark and no demerit points for a wrong answer. More than 3 wrong answer and I will loss this battle. 16th October, Today was battle 2, the "Electrical Fundamental" test. 50 question, 75% passing mark More than 12 wrong answer means I will loss this battle. Its all multiple choice question and just a simple probability and percentage mathematics will reveal that its easier to pass a 50 question paper at 75% passing grade than a 20 question one. Just take the extreme for example... if the paper only offer 5 question from the 100 question that can be selected for a test, fail if get more than 1 wrong answer and on the other end 100 question give you a 25 percent benefit of doubt. This means even if you don't know the exact answer, by making a wild or calculated guess of 25 question you will bound to get a few of them correct. So I'm pretty confident of passing the Electrical Fundamental test even though I had been guessing some answer for the multiple choice question (I made couple of lucky guess after I got home to confirm the answer). No so confident for the Human Factor test though for a I made some "human factor" mistake in a few question. Keeping my finger cross.

Just got the letter of acceptance from SIM for the Aerospace System Degree program. Looks like I had until 27th October to accept their offer for the Jan 2009 intake else I will have to defer to July 2009. Now all thats left is negotiation with shift IC, small boss, middle boss and big boss to allow me to work the normal shift. The thought of convincing them that I will still be able to contribute effectively even in a normal shift is daunting. 27th October deadline just aggravate the stress!!! I think I need to call SIM to request a deadline extension. 所谓人在江湖,生不由己... thats the challenge of negotiation for personal commitment outside regular work and thats battle 3 scheduled for next week.

Battle 4,5,6 and 7 goes to the following test on Monday and Wednesday; 1)Mathematics, 2)Physics , 3)Material and Hardware, 4)Maintenance Practice. Got the whole weekend to skim through the past year papers.

Recently found out that a couple of "Old Knights" I knew of are browsing my blog. Had been advice by them not to write things that will send the wrath of the Empire against me. Maybe I am already been monitored by some secret agent of the Empire, waiting for the right opportunity to sprung on me. Restriction here and restriction there. Sometimes its not because there is no avenue of commenting or critics but there are times when things goes NATO in the empire (No Action, Talk Only) that one have to find another channel of expression. Its the internet, its the freedom of speech but of course there is a price to pay for defamation (in Singapore and now in Malaysia too). So its important to choose words wisely like "in my opinion", "my views", "my guess" and not stating things a matter of fact unless its a fact.

Sadly there are things that must always remain in the dark both for personal protection and the protection of others dearest to me. Something I can write into a book in days to come when I am free from certain persecution. Sometime truth is harder to handle than fiction. Thats why there is such things call Politics....looks nice in speech, nice on paper but absolutely poor in action all thanks to the natural tendency for personal gains of certain people or group. As roughly said by social engineer Jacque Fresco --

"Its not politics that bring you light bulb, food on the table, television, Internet, Car, Solar Power, Youtube, Facebook... its Technology and its the creation of a selfless mind and endless knowledge power of a basic human nature."

"Researching and developing solutions is the only way for a society to move forward. The answers do not lie in electing the right people to government."

"Sometimes its not that I bochup but I am simply tired of the bull shit."

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Dark Knights

Are the Emperor aware of the numerous people putting in the extra hours in the name of the Empire defense? Why do the commoners, peasants and soldiers have to submit a daily report of their activities, written down to the details, to the people at the top...the Royalties? I suppose it is another of those "score point" suggestion by some Prince or Princess, capitalizing on a single occasion of a misconduct or truancy for getting off the daily slavery early. Totally no wisdom and absolutely no compassion at all. If the commoners, peasants and soldier can produce result at the end of each day, does the process matter at all? Isn't it ok to give and take occasionally?

1 peasants worked from the morning to the late evening and every other peasant present in the evening got to witness it. Who will stand up the next day, in front of the Emperor or whoever is the Prince or Princess to highlight about this single peasants effort? A group a peasant stretched the extra hours to get a "Garrison Tower" installed last week. Did anyone see it at all? The peasants are truly the unsung hero keeping the Empire moving and some are call the Dark Knights...the super long hour sacrifice one.

Can someone stop this daily madness? The Royalties should be focusing on getting the fertilizer, seeds,sickles, shovel, sword, arrows, spears and the man not getting into politics that just generate more unreasonable paper work that the lower caste just can't understand or rationalize to do??? The well being of the Empire depend upon the its Leadership and leaders are suppose to point the people to the right direction and remove all forms of hindrance that allow us to achieve the goals of the Empire.

Worker clear the forest, Manager ensure the forest is clear in time and the Leader climb the ladder and shout "WRONG FOREST!!!"

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Friend photoblog in Qatar - Week 1

Embark on a journey of discovery and career building, my friend had so far walk around the soil and sand of Qatar for a week. Besides a nice office and powerful boss allege to be the niece of some Qatar Royalties, he went on a mission to capture in digital film his encounter of a Middle Eastern country. And here is his photo blog...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tea Lover should consider HARIO

Yesterday, I went out with my "Brothers" for drink and a few round of pool at Orchid Country Club. Had our usual 3 jug of beer at a promotional price of S$36. After filling myself to the limit but not the realm of drunkenness, we headed back to Yishun to have Satay for supper.

Headed hope, shower and fall asleep. Wake up in the middle of the night with a splitting headache and a weird feeling in my stomach. Looks like the beer and churning the satay like some kind of human washing machine. Proceeded to the toilet to vomit, unloading almost 2 mug of beer. Next time I will not dare eat Satay after a heavy drinking session. It was totally embarrassing to have my mum patting my back while I was vomiting but without her patting my back, those stuff will just stuck halfway between my mouth and Stomach, a situation less than desirable.

Woke up this morning feeling better but weak. So I decided to do some body therapy today by sitting in front of the PC watching a Naruto Movie and drinking Jasmine Tea from the Hario Tea pot I brought last week from Takashimaya. Thanks to Sis Takashimaya shoppign voucher, I save $55 buying the Hario Tea Pot and warmer set (using tea light). The right tea drinking glassware actually does a better job in bringing out the taste of the tea leaf than just dumping the tea leaf in a mug and straining it like what I did in the past. Having a tea warmer ensure the tea won't turn cold while I am enjoying the movie or while studying.

HARIO is a 80 years old Japanese glassware company. Their focus is the design, production and marketing of HARIO various range of glassware product from Automotive headlight cover, medical apparatus, baby milk bottle, Coffee ware, tea ware ...etc...etc. Products are made through the combine use of modern technology and age old traditional glass making techniques, all this with a constant attention to environmental friendliness. From the all natural ingredients for making glass to the use of clean electric powered furnace, every process had the mother earth in mind.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

He took pictures with many famous people!!!

Who is this ordinary looking guy? He looks a stranger compare to the people he photo with. I guess he must be working for Google and had the opportunity to get up close and personal with well known people.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Wondering Hearts...Wondering what to do.

驛動的心 (The Wandering Heart) by: 姜育恒

曾經以為我的家 是一張張的票根
撕開後展開旅程 投入另外一個陌生
這樣飄蕩多少天 這樣孤單多少年
終於又回到起點 到現在我才發現


This is my favorite chinese song. It sound sad but its the reality analogy of our life. Every stage of our life is like a train ticket, from one destination to another new unfamiliar territory.

Sometimes its damn frustrating not to be able to get things done properly due to lack of equipments. Often having to resort to alternative method that is time consuming and require high degree of skills. Its so damn sian when I am not able to show the young ones the right way in the job. In the end I had to admit the limitations of our back end logistics thanks to the numerous level of process and red tapes. Often than not, I have so much improvement plans but lack the knowledge or knowhow to execute. I hope I get some enlightenment in the next few months ahead. In my head and heart, I hate to see this cycle of bureaucracy thats hindering our work and more hate to know that the junior are going to face what I experience the next time. Wish there was a more decentralized system to get our equipments. Its all about the money...

Sometimes the thought of quiting is in the mind but I'm not someone who like to ignore problem when its right in front of me. Quiting is escaping, but one can keep on running away and never be able to hide from problems. The only way is to face it and solve it. There is no other way.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Close shave...almost "mati"

I really want to take this moment to reflect on what happen today and count my blessing that I escaped from what could be the most severe setback to my life in the Empire. Phew... I think I got a bit too comfortable for awhile and got slightly carried away with things. In any case, the odds were wildly against me. Its like fighting a force of a thousand with a dozen man. How lucky I am... ... Looking back on that moment, I am glad that some quick fingers and thinking adverted a certain disaster. The lesson learnt for the day are not to tempt with fate and take stupid risk. In the end, I must thank the "Red Banner" for diverting the attention from the obvious landing me in a small lost instead of an annihilation. Somehow I got this feeling some higher being spared my life to let me live to tell the tales.

Just discover that my Casio Digital Camera had manual ISO settings....say bye bye to grainy pics... Here are some pictures I took of the toys in my glass display cabinet using a smooth and soft ISO50/100 setting. I think I should embark on a Macro-Toy-Photography hobby...


Fate/Stay Night

VF-1S from Macross




Saturday, October 04, 2008

Primary School Gathering on 3 Oct 2008

From Left: Front, Peicong, Yong Quan, Michelle, Guo Wei and Alfred. Back, Me, Janice, Sajinee, Rajisree, Huifen.

Couple of my former Naval Base Primary School classmate dropped by Buddy Hoagies Cafe for a rare gathering last night. When was I in primary school? 1990-1994 I guess and that was more than a decade ago. I am in contact with most of the guys and gals in the picture. People like Alfred, Peicong, Yong Quan are people I frequently kept in contact with thus nothing interesting to report about them except they are married and I am not. Huifen was a coincidence. She happen to be close friends of my two close colleagues in the Air Force. The gathering could not be possible if I never spoke to her over the phone few weeks ago while she is having dinner with my colleague. Contact with Michelle was on and off in the past however we just recently met up to have a farewell dinner for BoonSiong who had just left for Qatar 2 days ago. Glad to know she is happily married and a baby is coming soon. Guowei, last seen during Peicong's 21st Birthday is doing pretty well in the FOREX trading business which requires him to stay in Batam from Monday to Friday. He is married. Janice just ROM last month and is currently working as a Medical research personal, moving away from her previous job as nurse. The two Indian lady I never met after leaving Primary school is Sajinee who works at TIMES Magazine and Rajisree who I forgot what she is doing now but she is really different now, looks like Bollywood actress.

Send out a spoilt Western Digital Hard disk through mail to Flextronic Services for warranty exchange 1 week ago and was surprise to receive the replacement within a week. So happy that my effort in packaging it for mail and warranty claim pays off. In fact the RMA process was a breeze and glad to know that the hard disk I brought from USA actually got a International Warranty.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Heroes Season 2 and Season 3.

Been watching Heroes 2 lately and neglecting my studies. Although its telecast on Channel 5 every week, I have the entire Season 2 on my hard disk thanks to a bit of internet piracy back in USA. By the way, for those who are waiting to watch Season 3, you can actually watch it online at . For reasons of profit, Season 1 is no longer available for free viewing and only the last 2 episode of Season 2 are available right now. Now thats something worthwhile you can spend your monthly Broadband Bills on. Besides Heroes, there lots of other NBC drama series you can catch online.

Sometime I wonder how my life will change if I ever have any one of the powers the Character in Heroes had. It will be an outrageous request to be Peter Petrelli and Sylar for I think they are too powerful for me to handle. Been Matt Parkman (he can read people thoughts) sound like a good choice until you start knowing the truth of everything for truth hurts and society have to be fed with a moderate does of white lies. Claire Bennet with her super healing powers like Marvel's Wolverine...that means I'll never die from any injury unless I'm totally blown up. This is dangerous, I know no limits to bodily harm and knowing myself and soon I might be captured by the military and my body subjected to all sorts of experiments like fitting retractable claws in between my fingers. It hurts all the time I use those claws...

I think I will choose Nathan Petrelli for he can fly. I'm sure the general public will be more ready to accept a flying ability than others that could easily deem as mutants. Look into the history of films and you realize Super Heroes=Flying Ability. Superman, Iron man, Batman (he glides), Wonder Women, Captain Planet, David Copperfield, Harry Potter, Rocket Boy. Thus it will come as no shock to people around me if I fly while engaging cape crusading justice or simply buying food from Hawker center.