Saturday, August 19, 2006

The weekend sux!

What the hell! Can't we people have at less 48 hours per week not dealing with our work at all? I mean, we should have the Human Rights to enjoy our Weekend either in bed, fishing, video games, calling our GF, shopping, binge eating etc etc etc. This weekend totally sux cause we guys gonna go back to base in a nice, cool Saturday morning to work on some BS stuff (not even aircraft work!) when I could seriously take some rest or go to the gym to train up. Getting more and more BS in the work and I wonder am I a technician, a clerk, a computer system administrator, a janitor or just data miners? Maybe an accountant. Just how many shoes do we all have to wear? Tsk tsk tsk...

Btw the way, the Ant Colony tunnels have been completed. Looks like the Ants are getting cosy in there and slightly slacking too. Thinking of putting in a small worm and get some action going.

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