Friday, August 04, 2006

Lugi Guard Duty Again!!!

WAH LAU EH!! Riccardo want to complain liao... Why I kanna another of those guard duties where the next day duty personal do not come in at 8am to take over! Damn... its been 3 times in a row since I came here and yesterday I was pretty worked out when Jonathan told me he can only come in the take over my duty at 12 because he is heading for a medical appointment in the morning. Unfortunately, the other guard duty personnal was an ACS (Air Crew Specialist) who know nuts about taking over guard duties which involve accounting for publication, tools and clearing shit load of bull craps paper work.

Can't blame Jonathan cause he too never expect Friday to all of a sudden becoming a sports day. Normally, in an ideal scenario, the morning shift will come in for work and take over the duties from me and Jonathan will head in at 3.00pm in the afternoon. Seems like not many Ideal scenarios happening for me... sigh.

So here I am, I got to bite the dust and hold the ground till 12pm today while the rest of the guys went for Detachments Sports activities. I think I will join them if I am not too tired, thanks to the late 4.00am sleep this morning and the 8am wake up call from Andy to have breakfast and the interuptive 9.15am PA annoucement " Paging for Guard Duty Personnal, please bring over the Ops key". Wah lan eh.... they don't have legs to walk over huh? Although I got tons of Stamina and run below 9mins for 2.4km IPPT, lim peh did not have enough sleep yesterday leh....what happen if I walk over the Ops side with the key and buang into a tree? Than have to write report! Than the organization have to come up with another safety net ( more like a safety wall) to prevent occurence... than more crap in the future!!! Than the future become bleak again... than someone knock into the tree again... its a cycle.

Sigh... whatever I wrote was the "Devil" side of my mind. Now the "Angel" side of my mind tells me to put everything in good perspective. Sometime a person view point, attitude and perspective in a situation will dictate how good or bad a scenario turn out to be. Hmm... at less I get the surf the net for free? At less I got a free Breakfast from Andy this morning (Thank you Andy)? At less I got to write this blog entry today to vent my frustration? At less I got to do some travelling to Canada research. At less I'll learn to take it easy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow... you can run under 9min for 2.4Km. Cool...din know you can run so far. haha...

Lin Peh best timing is only 9.15mins. But those are the SISPEC can finished the 2.4km under 12 mins consider very good already. haha...