Thursday, July 03, 2008

A question from my junior...

Today I was ask by my 'OJT' (On Job Trainee) junior what did a learn, discover or got enlighten from my 2 years tour on duty in USA. I was a bit lost for answer at that moment and could on tell him that I gain more experience from my career in the Empire, get to build better rapport with people in my job field, learn the politics of work in the Empire... When I'm in uniform, my brain usually suffer tunnel vision.

Of from work and back in my civilian clothings now. Just a minute ago, I recalled what he ask me and thought of this few answers...

1) I discover the wonders of wearing boxers instead of undies.
2) I found out that I love to travel on a backpack and stay in Hostel with strangers.
3) I prefer the Big Nature to the Big Cities.
4) I love the rear wheel drive Mazda Miata
5) I learn to cook
6) I learn to fold my own clothings (its a shame to say this but my mum and dad do it for me)
7) I realize that to enjoy work, you first have to learn to work with difficult people.
8) I realize I love aviation related work and this could be my career field for life.
9) I had set a goal to save enough money to travel from Singapore to the tip of Europe on a little bike.
10) Finally... I suffered from Miss USA syndrome.

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