Organizing the drawers
The room is newly renovated but whats hidden inside the drawers is a hideous mess of charging cables, USB cables, bluetooth headset, keys, stereo head set and god know what else. I have to work through a web of cables entanglement each time I try taking out any stuff from the drawer.
Spider man recently visits my drawer.
Yesterday, I was at Plaza Singapura waiting to watch movie again for second time in 2 weeks (nothing to do in Singapore, bored...). Went in to this store name "Daiso Japan" where everything is make in Japan and sell for S$2. Lots of useful everyday household stuff sold in the store and I found this thing call "Partition", 3 pieces of plastic per package use to make compartment within a drawer.
Instruction in Japanese and English plus pictures for the illiterate.
For $2, I found a simple and space customizable solution to sort our the mess in my drawer. After a hard day of work, the last thing that anyone will ever wanna do is ruffling for minutes through the mess of an unorganized drawer looking for a USB cables. Sometime an hour spend organizing your life or a desktop drawer save countless inconvenience in the future.
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