Monday, August 06, 2007

Tortise in our base

Last week, I reported on the discovery of a bat which CFITed (Controlled Flight Into Terrain) inside our Base hanger. . As we all know, the bat have so far been pronounced dead for a week already. I have no idea if its buried, thrown into trash or fed to the wild dogs in the area.

This week, another unexpected visitor stumble into our hanger again. Its slow, cumbersome and carried it house with it. And its nearly run over by our Chinook helicopter when the FEs were towing it into the hanger.

I wonder how many days it took for this tortise to crawl all the way from the river behind our base all the way to the front of the hanger and the reason behind it. In any case its too dangerous for it to wonder around the hanger, either it got crush eventually and make a big mess for us to clean up or it could damage our aircraft wheel assembly if the shell was hard enough. Picked it up and the tortise immediately took a defensive stance, retracting into the shell. I brought it back to the bay for some photo shoot opportunity.

Cheese!!! Smile for the camera!!!

Gosh....its petriefied....its peeing...

Its as big as our rotor head vertical tank! Maybe it might consider moving house.

I don't wanna see another creature past away inside the base. After Sugar my pet and the bat from last week, I have become a bit of an animal right activist or enviromentalist ( I pot plants to reduce ozone gases by 0.0000001%). The tortise is released into the lake behind our base.

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