Saturday, November 29, 2008

Petition against high bus fare for Poly students

My view on the Facebook Petition,

"As a Polytechnic Student graduating from TP in 2003, I can empathize with the current plead of our Singapore Poly students. I strongly suggest the government to extend the transport privilege of JC students to the local Singaporean students who are fresh graduates from Secondary School 'O' Levels. This will be a fair decision to make for the PTA (Public Transport Association). A system must be design to ensure Poly students do not face a disadvantage in their pockets compare to JC.

As for the working adults and foreign students studying in Polytechnics, my opinion is that it will be a difficult decision for the PTA to grant such transportation privileges. First, working adults as a salaried man/women do have the financial mean to meet their transportation needs. Second, for the foreign student, unless there is foreign student in JC having the same transportation privileges otherwise it will not be easy for the PTA to grant such privileges too.

I support this online petition in any case :)"

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