Sunday, July 02, 2006

Unsucessful Fishing trip and 60 miles firework

No Fish, Got stones and the missing lures.

My fishing trip to Marshal Creek yesterday was a total depression. I caught stones, lost 2 spinner bait, 1 rattling lures, and another special rig and caught no fish. Thanks to the stony river bottom and a novice fisherman skill, most of my hook got caught inbetween the stones. The same goes for Encik Pao and You Cai who saw no luck at Marshal Creek yesterday. You Cai got close to catching a Gar fish but it manage to break free from the hook. 0 points to the RSAF PP Det fishing Team, 1 point for the Elusive fishes at Marshal Creek.

Encik Pao getting "Sibei" hot for not catching anything.

Our next stop was a wonderful lake at a apartment complex name La Villa. Marshal Creek was rural, bootcamp style river fishing while La Villa's Lake was Urban, cooling, comfy park bench style of fishing. 1SG Siew drop by and join us for the evening fishing session and within moments he caught a arm length size Bass fish! What a lucky guy... 3 man, 4 hrs of fishing action yield no results at all compare to a 1 man show of 5min and a 1 foot Bass. That was either luck or the devils work. The fishing trip ended with a tied score of 1-1 courtesy of 1SG Siew Siew miraculous catch.

La Villa's Lake

Thou shall be name "Siew Fish"

60 Miles to the Firework factory

Come 4th of July, be dazzled by the Firework show presented by ordinary Singaporeans who were deprived by decades of bans in their home town. Preparation for the firework show started today with a 96km (60 miles) trip south from our home to the Firework factory. Its the longest drive of my life and if not for the talk cock sesion with Captain Betrand and the erractic driving pattern of our leading vehicle drove by 1SG Goh Leng Chuan, I could have fallen a sleep on the wheel.

Huge warehouse and load of fireworks in there! No wonder we got to travel that far of a distance to get here. Just for the safety of mankind in populated areas, the warehouse was located at a remote area. This way, if there is an explosion, we will be blown to bits while the rest of Dallas can watch from the safety of FOX4 Dallas news.

Our firework team ended our trip with US$400 worth of firework, enough to be considered excessive firepower in Singapore context. I was pretty worried about the drive back home cause the bulk of the firepower was store in the trunk of my vehicle and with the summer sun, there was a concern of premature ignition. Hmmm..... that might give this old grandfather car a boost in acceleration of the Highway! Sadly Nothing was launch out of my car trunk just like the Space Shuttle did not launch as scheduled for today at 2.30pm.

The fireworks make me all excited about the coming Independence Day holiday! At less its not all about Sales and Shopping this time round. Its time to rock and roll and prepare for SHOCK and AWE of 4th of July!

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