Monday, July 31, 2006

Mystery of Riccardo's Toshiba Satellite's "cock-up"


Recently I have been experiencing start-up problem with my Toshiba Satellite A105-S4014 laptop brought just 1 month ago. Everytime the system boot to "WINDOW XP" loading screen, it suddenly flickers to the Blue Screen Of Death and the whole system restarted itself from the BIOS. This problem repeat itself for don't know how many donkey times before the laptop finally boot into the OS.

Upon shutting down and turning the laptop back-on, the problem occurs again much to my frustrations. This prompted me to buy an external harddisk, the "Western Digital MyBook 250GB Essential Edition", just to back-up approx 30GBs of documents, videos, photos and illegally downloaded PC games before I attempt to restore the laptops to factory default using the provided Toshiba Recovery Disc.

Much to my astonishments and surprise and another round of frustrations, the blue screen of death appears again upon loading the recovery disc. The saving point this time is that instead of only blinking and rebooting the laptop, the "Blue Screen Of Death" froze on the window, giving me the oppurtunity to read the error text which simply summarize as "There is something wrong with the drivers of your hardware, please restart and boot to SAFE MODE".

SAFE MODE is neither save at all. It was still plauged by the same problem mentioned earlier, blue screen of death and restarting. I can't boot into the OS, I can't recover the laptop and I can't go into SAFE MODE. The last option is to let the professional at the warranty center do their jobs and survive the next one week without my source of entertainment, news, music and pure boredom killer machine.

I resort to putting the laptop to SLEEP mode instead of shutting down the moment I manage to boot it into Windows XP. This actually safe me the nightmare of experiencing the "rebooting" routine. However its really a temporary solution and does not tackle the root cause or solve any mystery at all.


Unfortunately, the SLEEP mode does not help. On few occasion I bootup the laptop from SLEEP mode, the Wireless Network/ LAN system fail to work and I have to do a fresh power restart unless I forgo using the Internet. This bring everything back to square one, back to the problem again.

By some miracle intervention, the thought of disabling the "Built-In LAN" option from the BIOs came into my mind. Surprise to see that by disabling it, I actually could go into Windows with a single boot. Just to be sure that this is the right medicine to the illness, the enable the "Built-In LAN" option and boot up the laptop. 3 times it fails to enter Windows XP and that Strike 3 and a OUT. Disabling the Built-In LAN, the laptop sucessfully went into the OS on 3 seperate Power On boot. The fault can now be simulated and it can be terminated. Strangely, I am still able to use the Internet despite turning the LAN system Off in the system BIOS.

Now the Toshiba Laptop works as smooth as the first time I got it. However a shroud of mystery still exist as to-

Why the fault existed (was it a hardware, software or BIOs problem)?

Why the disabling of the "Built-In LAN" option effectively ends the problem?

Why am I still able to connect to the Internet wirelessly despite disabling "Built In LAN"?

Thus I am sending this blog entry to Toshiba Technical Support for an answer.


Unknown said...

Before the system start, press F12 ot F9 ( cant remember), and enter the system setup. At the blos, you can select how you want to start XP. Choose hard disk ( push it the top of the list) and restart the computer.

I also facing the same problem when the system select Lan to start XP..but it cannot be done so it leep restarting the system.

Can try and see how.

Unknown said...


One year later, same computer model and the same problem.

After memory replacement, hard disk removal and cd boot - I found your post and it solved my problem. So I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You did a good thing.

