Monday, July 24, 2006

Superman! Wheres your clothes??

Just finish watching Superman Returns but discovered not much of an insight of how Superman was born or how he was created or grown up in the farm house to be the Super hero everyone knows about. I expect the movie to show the birth of Superman just like how Peter Parker become Spiderman in the Spiderman movie. Guess everyone have to instead watch Smallville to know those stuff. Anyway, kind of adorable to see a man in a 80s (or was it 70s) super hero suits. I reckon no superheros will consider wearing underwear on a mission in our current context. Something well armored will be prefered.

An interesting thoughts I have about the movie.

1) Superman have a wardrode malfunction
Notice that everytime there was a Call of Nature, erm...sorry Call of Emergency (but it occur naturally to Superman anyway) He just rip off his clothes in a telephone booth or maybe the toilet and just took off! I am sure he is not wearing any expensive designers brand but I'm sure he just drop off his ripped off shirt and pants than took off without returning to pick it up. He don't get paid for his super hero moonlighting and he work as a nerdy reporter thus conclusion is he never wear expensive designers brand since where can he get the money to find the replacement?

Back to his house, he must have big wardrode to place all his replacement clothings brought cheaply from Walmart or JC Penny or Giordano or even Pasar Malams. He need a big wardrode cause with all those trouble going around the world, our superhero just can afford to go shopping like us every weekend.

2) Superman suit is also "SUPER"
In the name of science, how come the mini guns bullet does not create burn mark on his suit and poke holes in his capes? See how he fly faster than the speed of sound and those red capes does not tattered? I understand Superman is a man or an Alien beyond Science but hey man....he drop from Space in a capsule totally naked in the beginning scene and now he dones a blue suit with red capes and underwear. SUPER sure that those suits are home made and not of Batman's armored grades causes he is not like batman who have a scientist/Engineer to built his equipment. Those suit must be cloth! The director of Superman Returns is still stuck in the 70s/80s mood deciding that people not only will believe in an invulnerable hero but also an invulnerable clothings. Mr Director, this is the 90s please have a bit more consideration...we don't mind Superman and his dorky Underwear, less make his suit less than "SUPER". Or just tell us those colors are just his skins.

Stronger than Steel, and so is his suit.

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