Not too fast!
Recently I received an official letter from the traffic police forcing me to contribute S$150 dollars to the Singapore government and a 6 demerit points from my drivers license. They have speed trap me driving along Adam Road at 90 instead of the slow 70 and funny thing is I don't even knew I was shot on camera! Ha... my sis was laughing at my speeding ticket because it was so unexpected. You see, she was surprised than slow driver like me can still get a speeding ticket! Anyway, its the first one I got since getting my drivers license 5 years ago and I do deserve it in some way since I had been speeding freely on Singapore roads since coming back from states last year.
Speeding....the number one killer on the the road. Too fast and too furious results in crash and burn. Events are unfolding in my life recently and I have to put in some restrain in myself because I know I am the kind of guy who think alot with the heart and tends rush into things. Its so surprising and shocking this time when the books of my life suddenly enters another chapter that are filled with one coincidental events after another. Stop... as wise man says, only fools rush in. Matters of heart had been making progress and I have to thanks Lollipop-girl, Wendy, Alfred and my dear sis for their help and advice. This time I am taking a stroll in the park instead of jungle bashing, to really appreciate the air, the little ponds, the trees, the birds, the park critters, the bench and the weather be it sunny or stormy. I like to cultivate a healthy relationship with the park . I really don't know if I will always have time to walk in this park when the schedule get hectic in the future but I definately don't want to see it close because I become blinded by work and studies.
Sometime someone or something special enters life that a person suddenly felt its important and critical to make the decision. Holding on to it and clinging to the edge of it, some releases their grip and be lost forever, some hold on to dear life and destroyed it. I think I am holding on to this special thing now and I am glad that a story was shared with me else I will be clueless to how things should go. I could have easily crush it and its gone forever. Slow and steady, thats the key.
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