Survival Skills
One of the survival skills often taught in the Army is "How to fish". Today I learn a lesson about nature and the fish.
First thing, "its not dry even if it look dry, so wear boots!". My first fishing trip at Northlake almost ended in disaster. There was no road going near the shore of Northlake and the only one available was locked up. I decided to park my vehicle opposite the road and cross over with my fishing gear to the what seems to be dry, baked sand. With both feet firmly on the ground, I notice I was sinking! Shit, its all wet and gooey beneath it. Half my New Balance shoes was in the mud and so is the ending of the jeans. I retreated back to my car viciously cursing the disguise of mother nature.
Secondly "Fishing are not stupid". Contrary to popular believe that fish do not have brain, I observe that they at less knew whats a hook, whats a bait and what is real food. There I was, at my second destination, a long river and wide cutting through a town, under the sun hopping to get my first catch. Now I know why fishing needs lots of patient cause urban fishes are not naive. 3 hours and I caught nothing. I tried, plastic bait, insects, and hot dogs from my takeaway lunch with no results. Fed up, I decided to leave and come back another day. I threw away the left over hot dogs into the river and VIOLA!!!! A small school of fish came over and nibble away...probably laughing their way through dinner... Now I felt stupid... the fish think better than me...
To be frank, I have never attended the "Learn to fish to survive" survival course, I think I might consider enrolling in case I got stranded in some deserted place next time. In the mean time, I prefer to buy fish from the market and make fried fish fillet out of them...

"You know how sometimes it seems like the hurrier you go, the behinder you get? So much to do you can't get unstuck from your to-do-list? Obsessing about time all the time can get you pretty nutsy. So we gigured if we could make this flavor's crunch-factor irresitably distracting, you might make time to face your frustration and eat them. Enjoy!"
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