Wednesday, May 10, 2006

U.S People don't like chicken drum stick

One new thing I learn about the culture here is U.S are that the people love chicken breast meat (white meat) and relegate Chicken thigh/drum stick meats (red meat). Exactly opposite of what we Singaporean like. Thus the restauraunts and eateries out here are glad when you ask for thigh meats and gave you plenty of it at the same price.

Click on the above link. Our dinner at WingStop was fantastic yesterday, if not overwhelming... 5 of us ordered 50 pcs of chicken wing and drum stick for dinner. 50pcs+ tons of fries and salad for just US$29.90 (S$35.00). Wah lau, eat till cannot stand up... but its really good food I can't find in Singapore. Beats KFC in every aspect.

Still don't have a Laptop and internet connection at my home yet but at less now I have a new avenue to internet. Just the first day of work , we got Internet equppied PCs set up in my workplace. Great.... In the mean time, every blog and e-mail will still be rush rush....

1 comment:

WS said...

Great to hear from you that you have settled well there.
Hmm... I always thought that the drumsticks are always better than the breast meat. US ppl have strange tastes hahaha!