Friday, April 28, 2006

Interesting extract from Worker's Party- Sylvia Lim

Teddy Roosevelt, the great former President of the United States, wrote the following stirring words in American Ideals about 1897:

"It is not the man who sits by his fireside reading his evening paper, and saying how bad our politics and politicians are, who will ever do anything to save us; it is the man who goes out into the rough hurly-burly of the caucus, the primary, and the political meeting, and there faces his fellows on equal terms. The real service is rendered not by the critic who stands aloof from the contest, but by the man who enters it and bears his part…."

Of course, the above needs modification in the Singapore context!

"It is not the man who sits in his home or office reading the New Paper or Wan Bao and complaining about the government or a weak opposition who will ever do anything to save us; it is the man who goes into the face-off of opposition politics, the surveillance, the ever-changing electoral boundaries, the Constitution and Parliamentary Elections Act, Internal Security Act, Political Donations Act, Films Act, Newspaper and Printing Presses Act, Public Entertainment and Meetings Act, and there faces the Ruling Party on unequal terms. The real service is rendered not by the critic who stands aloof from the contest, but by the man who enters it and bears his part!!"

Join the Workers' Party - overcome the fear! The Workers' Party has a history that is as long as the independence of Singapore and was in the forefront of the struggle for independence. The party has also perservered through the years, in a dfficult political environment, to serve the electorate.

Read about what Worker's Party Sylvia Lim have to say about her political career and the state of politics in Singapore....

I sure hope that PAP could make a political defense against such high caliber write up. I am pretty depressed that I continued to miss out my chance to vote and to be a make a minor contribution to Singapore's future since I turn 21 5 years ago. You see, the voting day is on 6th of May and I will be leaving for United States on the 5th of May. Although I still have the opportunity to vote overseas, I will be required to travel all the way from Dallas to our Singapore Embassy at Washington which is freaking 1124 miles away (1798km)! The Jet lag exprienced while flying from Singapore to US will probably shag me out to even submit my votes.

So you see, I really envy you guys/gals who get to vote. Just like to tell all of you that the world have changed, we all are better educated and are now better at decision making and choosing the "Right Durian" like what our current Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan said during his election campagin. There is nothing to fear about voting, even if you are going to vote for the Opposition! Don't vote out of fear! Choose the party be it PAP, WP,SDA or SDP that you have confident in leading Singapore into a brighter future.

That vote ticket on your hand right now is a very powerful tools to decide the future of our beloved country and the ruling government and Opposition party knows about it judging by the efforts they are taking now to win your votes! So do your homework, go for the election Rally, go to the various party websites especially the Opposition, think of what you want Singapore to be and cast that ever important vote without Fear or Prejudice.

P.S: I think PAP getting too comfortable with their position in Politics. Last time we use to see MPs sitanding on top of lorry laden with party flag and sticker selling their election "Koyot" from carpark to carpark. Wah lau don't know they lazy or what, just put one speaker on a lorry and just let it loose on the road last night! At first I thought our country going to war liao, like in the movie....I thought it was a Army truck with PA system urging "All Eligible Male, Please report to the nearest Army camp", on second look, I thought it was an Ah Beng honda civic blasting his sound system on the road....on the third look, it was PAP.... Hopefully the worker party can be more sincere than that...

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