Friday, April 28, 2006

Interesting extract from Worker's Party- Sylvia Lim

Teddy Roosevelt, the great former President of the United States, wrote the following stirring words in American Ideals about 1897:

"It is not the man who sits by his fireside reading his evening paper, and saying how bad our politics and politicians are, who will ever do anything to save us; it is the man who goes out into the rough hurly-burly of the caucus, the primary, and the political meeting, and there faces his fellows on equal terms. The real service is rendered not by the critic who stands aloof from the contest, but by the man who enters it and bears his part…."

Of course, the above needs modification in the Singapore context!

"It is not the man who sits in his home or office reading the New Paper or Wan Bao and complaining about the government or a weak opposition who will ever do anything to save us; it is the man who goes into the face-off of opposition politics, the surveillance, the ever-changing electoral boundaries, the Constitution and Parliamentary Elections Act, Internal Security Act, Political Donations Act, Films Act, Newspaper and Printing Presses Act, Public Entertainment and Meetings Act, and there faces the Ruling Party on unequal terms. The real service is rendered not by the critic who stands aloof from the contest, but by the man who enters it and bears his part!!"

Join the Workers' Party - overcome the fear! The Workers' Party has a history that is as long as the independence of Singapore and was in the forefront of the struggle for independence. The party has also perservered through the years, in a dfficult political environment, to serve the electorate.

Read about what Worker's Party Sylvia Lim have to say about her political career and the state of politics in Singapore....

I sure hope that PAP could make a political defense against such high caliber write up. I am pretty depressed that I continued to miss out my chance to vote and to be a make a minor contribution to Singapore's future since I turn 21 5 years ago. You see, the voting day is on 6th of May and I will be leaving for United States on the 5th of May. Although I still have the opportunity to vote overseas, I will be required to travel all the way from Dallas to our Singapore Embassy at Washington which is freaking 1124 miles away (1798km)! The Jet lag exprienced while flying from Singapore to US will probably shag me out to even submit my votes.

So you see, I really envy you guys/gals who get to vote. Just like to tell all of you that the world have changed, we all are better educated and are now better at decision making and choosing the "Right Durian" like what our current Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan said during his election campagin. There is nothing to fear about voting, even if you are going to vote for the Opposition! Don't vote out of fear! Choose the party be it PAP, WP,SDA or SDP that you have confident in leading Singapore into a brighter future.

That vote ticket on your hand right now is a very powerful tools to decide the future of our beloved country and the ruling government and Opposition party knows about it judging by the efforts they are taking now to win your votes! So do your homework, go for the election Rally, go to the various party websites especially the Opposition, think of what you want Singapore to be and cast that ever important vote without Fear or Prejudice.

P.S: I think PAP getting too comfortable with their position in Politics. Last time we use to see MPs sitanding on top of lorry laden with party flag and sticker selling their election "Koyot" from carpark to carpark. Wah lau don't know they lazy or what, just put one speaker on a lorry and just let it loose on the road last night! At first I thought our country going to war liao, like in the movie....I thought it was a Army truck with PA system urging "All Eligible Male, Please report to the nearest Army camp", on second look, I thought it was an Ah Beng honda civic blasting his sound system on the road....on the third look, it was PAP.... Hopefully the worker party can be more sincere than that...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Election, NKF and 潘金莲

So the election finally is coming after a 5 years wait and a walk over in the previous election for the Ang Mo Kio GRC which happen to be my residential ward (Yishun South is part of it). From the papers, I read that the Workers Party will be sending a team to wrestle away the more than a decade of PAP domination in the Ang Mo Kio GRC. Not to be outdone by the PAP conjuring of manifestos, the Opposition have decided to use the recent NKF scandal as the Party selling point to have more Opposition members in the Parliament. There was a Chinese saying, 打铁趁热 “Strike the metal while its hot”, and it certainly holds true for the rallying action carried out by the Oppositions. While the court episode is still in good momentum, who doesn’t want to wield the issue which is causing much uproar among the millions of philanthropic Singaporeans? Sure is a mighty sword against our Health Minister Khaw who seems to have already “Show Hands” reminding Singaporean to be appreciative on “Who’s the one to step up and handled the incident follow by cleaning up all the shit?”

The NKF scandal clearly shows that the ruling government was either too comfortable in the Parliament due to overwhelming Monopoly or have greatly overlooking the effectiveness of Singapore Court of Law in over-weighing on Defamation suit from NKF against finding out what really prompted allegation. It is a very shallow assumption by the ruling government to just sweep the issue under the carpet and declare that the NKF scandal will not be a major mover of the election. I think this incident is as appalling in the International scene as the ENRON scandal, except this time its dealing with Charity which I reckon is the first of the kind (in such a scale) in the world. How can we just sweep it under the carpet when it can’t even fit under in the first place?

Mrs Goh coining of the S$600,000 “PEANUT” phrase just show how “jialat” things have been for so many years without her even admitting that something was wrong. It was quite an embarrassment for our Senior Minister and it was a right think he step forward as a responsible politician to apologize for the wild remark made.

Now if I remember correctly, at less 2 person have been successfully prosecuted for Defamation sue against NKF and T.T Durai. Both of them are what we all now term as “whistle blowers”. It was sad that they don’t have the proper backing from influential people to defend, counter attack, win the trial and expose the scandal earlier just like Susan Long did. They were bankrupted due to the trial, living a hard life for stepping out for their morale integrity and they were only proven correct and unofficially innocent when the scandal was exposed. Even more upset in many others was the conduct of the Kangaroo court back than for not even digging up the truth from the myriad of facts, like a soldier who dig a half fuck foxhole where the truth is not protected and the powerful organization can bombard the helpless defendant easily. Those in the court were appointed by the government, the government was majority from 1 party, they know what happening in the court but they kept quiet all those years despite the tragedy of the whistle blowers forced to swallow his own whistle and the many issue brought up in the internet forums and kopi shop talk. Some may say back than, without concrete prove, everything is a rumors.

If anyone remember Pan Jin Lian and Wu Da Lang (Brother of Wu Song, the man who killed the tiger in “Water Margin”), Pan Jin Lian was committing adultery with Si Men Qin, although it was kept in the secret by both of them, it was soon found out by a young boy and become the talk of the town. Wu Da Lang does know about the rumors but kept his faith and trusted his wife even when his best friend advise him to investigate. In the end the adulterous pair killed Wu Da Lang by poisoning his food. Wu Song upon returning from his constable job in another town, heeded the rumors and investigated, found out the truth and killed in revenge, the adulterous pair at the expense of becoming a fugitive for killing Si Men Qin, son of a government official.

So Pan Jin Lian and Wu Da Lang relationship was that of the Ruling Government and NKF. The adultery of Pan Jin Lian and Si Men Qin was the charity donation accounting scandal, the astronomical salary, the Peanut statement, the gold tap, the Business class air ticket, the unhealthy accounting relation of NKF with private companies (Fort System and Matila Chua’s company). Now for not heeding the rumors and investigating, the government like Wu Da Lang got caught out of a sudden from the rapid repercussion after the SPH vs NKF trial. By that time, it was too late cause much poisonous damage have been done and there can be no revival.

At the moment I can only relate Wu Song to our Health Minister Khaw, who after the disintegration of the former NKF leadership came out of the dark took action upon NKF (Pan Jin Lian) and the Mess its involve in (Si Men Qin). It is still early to tell if Health Minister Khaw will loss his seat in Sembawang GRC, in his fight against the Opposition Party contesting there. Its pretty gray right now if his fate will be that of Wu Song, becoming a fugitive which means defeated and retreating to Mount Liang, the back seater position in the Parliament. No new fictional character have been credited to the new CEO of NKF Gerald, but Capt John Miller from saving private Ryan is a nice choice at the moment.

Now back to reality. No doubt we need more credible opposition member in the parliament to provide check and balance in all issue against the ruling party to ensure every policy, issue raised, problem in the system, new ideas and the voices of the commoners are subjected not just a 1 dimensional decision making mechanism. Even with no Opposition winning much seat this time round, I certainly hope what SM Goh imply was true... “lifting the whips and let the members of PAP be their own opposition.”. I am sure there is many credible people in the party but just lacking the will to speak against many policy pass in the parliament making Chiam and Low the lonely pair to protect the Ring (Sam and Frodo). We never know when the next disaster will strike again as a result of poor monitoring.

Finally, I still like to give credit to the MPs of Ang Mo Kio GRC for keeping our precinct clean and beautiful, Plus the lift revamping and the plan of lift at every floor for all the blocks in Yishun South. They have so far been performing great and although there is one Chio Bu within the Workers Party team contesting right here, I prefer to overlook the aesthetic side and focus more on proven mechanics and methods. However, who knows a new management might inject new flavor and excitement into this GRC. Since we have moved far ahead of Hougang and Potong Pasir, giving 5 years trial for the Opposition Party might be a good idea, forgoing the upgrades carrot for a well balance Parliament to serve every Singaporeans. So my vote will goes to…

Your vote is a secret, so is mine.

Simple, Nice, low budget and weird MTVs

Running through some of the old CDs that I have burn in the past and chance upon one that have several MTVs in them. Few years ago, I was a total MTV fanatics and downloaded tons of them from the internet although MTV was already introduced on TV long ago. If I am not wrong, the first ever MTV was either from Queens or Bungie "Video Kill the Radio star".

Well one of my favourite download got to be Fat Boy Slims- "Weapon of choice". No CG effect, million dollar cast, exoctic outdoor shooting location... just a man, his dance, Chinese's "wire" effect and excellent soundtrack. A simple piece of MTV art that is low in budget, high in quality.

If you could recgonize the only human actor in this MTV, its Christopher Walkens. The man who cast as the Headless Horseman in "Sleepy Hollow" and starrs as a deranged, Russian Roulette gun wielding American soldier alongside Robert De Niro in "The Deer Hunter".

Monday, April 17, 2006

Bloody good handphones...

Wah, nowadays the handphone are really jack of all trade! I am totally mountain tortise when it come to handphones and the best I ever held on hand was a Nokia Ngage QD...the bulky piece of "Kidney" mobile good for playing games.

I never thought of spending too much money on handphones and don't consider it a fashion apparatus that you have to keep on changing and changing to get in line with the trends. Splurging S$300~$700 for a palm size communcation device is just not my cup of tea. To me...handphone is just a hand-phone... untill.....

One day, I brought a Sony Ericsson W800i. I still don't support spending too much on mobile phone. However my digital camera recently contracted chronic cancer and become blinded thus I decided why not I get a camera phone with 2 mega pixel function since I don't print my photos at all? Furthermore, I got a S$200 M1 voucher F.O.C courtesy of my sis loyalty program with M1 (she treaten to cancel her ultimate plan unless given a voucher). Got this wonderful phone at just S$175, very very cheap price considering that it can....

1)Take 2Mega Pixels photos
2)Take video ...hee hee...another scandal
3)Got 512MB Sony Memory Stick included in the package.
4)Play MP3 songs
5)Play videos
6)Connectivity to PC for uploading and downloading files
7) I have more choice for ringtone- MIDI, MP3, AMR, WAV... currently using Huo Yuan Jia ring tone
8) Got scheduler
9)Alarm Clock
10)Emergency Flash Light
11)SOS Light
12)Play games
13) Can keep notes in it.
14) Address book

Wah nowadays handphone so high tech. However I do wish that the next generation phone, 4G can allow us to key in text through voice or brain waves. My thumb get tired easily from all those SMS texting.... The best thing that human have added to a mobile phone is the camera! Now I can embark on my quest to take pictures of irresponsible library users and drivers than post them here to shame them!

Singapore is bloody hot today!

Having spend almost 1 week of my leave out of the sun, I suffer the wrath of the sun god today. Return to my Air Base today to get my oversea detachment clearance forms signed which involve lots of walking from point to point under the sun. You see, our Air Base is neutral in political stance, nither supporting PAP nor Chiam See Tong thus we guys have to endure at the end of the Q, behind Potong Pasir for sheltered walkways and lift at every floor.

The blazing afternoon sun threaten to boil my blood and BBQ my internal organs. In this tropical equatorial weather, wearing coveralls is like subjecting the body to the pressure cooker. I was literally going through a sauna for the whole afternoon moving back and forth to get the signiture else no air tickets to texas for me. Each aircon room I entered was a pit stop for me.

Guess I have spend too much time relaxing indoor and mostly doing work out in air con gyms and running in the evening when the sun is at its weakest. Slacking...

Well just less than a month to go before heading for the US. Although our lovely country is noctoriously humid and hot, the day and night temperature does not fauctuate too much. Just did a little bit of research and learn that the tempature difference between day and night is at less 8 degrees or more! Eg. Day= 26 , Night= 13. This kind of weather is gonna take a while to get use to.

Have standby lotsa flu and fever medicine. Expecting to fall sick for the first few weeks in US while my body retune itself to the weather.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

He talk as thought I own him a lot... CMI!

Below is an e-mail exchange between me and a potential buyer. Very high pressure sales technique he is employing. I have not even promise him anything yet and the way he "shoot" me in the E-mail was like a 6 years old kid whining... Sorry readers, you have to read from the bottom section first as this is a cut and paste e-mail from my yahoo account. Cannot Make It man, this kind of people. If this is a million dollar business, I will have call off the deal with his unconcrete accuse.

Hi Vincent,

I guess we have to call off this deal since you insisted on the buy price of S$2600. I hope this is not the first time you are buying bike from private buyers as I am being very accommodating in this deal even to the point of pre-empting you that the deal might not go through if someone offer a higher price before the signing of the agreement.

Its always easier to buy from the bike shop and cut down all the talking and tougue maneuvers but the price is always higher and most people kanna chop chop chop. As for buying and selling through private avenues, there is bound to be a lot of exchange of words, price negotiation, bike viewing with different sellers or buyers before the deal is ever close. It tend to demand much more effort but buyer/seller get better deals and bargain compare from bike shop. The worst that can happen is the buyer lack of experience which cause him to buy a problematic bike or someone taking your money and run away dishonoring the deal. In short, its not a walk in the park selling/buying bike through private channel. I have been dealing with private buyers and sellers for all my past 5 bikes and being through the good and the bad. I sure hope that your whining was more of a lack of exposure rather than a character problem, you should really look at the way you reply SMS and E-mail through a mirror…

I did not realise that you have call off others good "Wave" deals and I am even more oblivious to the fact the I actually did agree/promise to sell you the bike. What I like to defend is that through the period from the time we start talking about the buying of my Honda Wave to right now, writing this e-mail is still all part of the negotiation process and nothing was even finalize.

I am really sorry that you have to blame me for all the inconvenience and even have to educated me a thing or two about verbal agreement or SMS being binding in court. I am sorry too that you to be disappointed twice throughout the negotiation. Thus I apologize for my ignorant. Oh, also apologize for wasting you precious million dollar time. Oh by the way, how have I taken advantage of you? I am curious to know so I can be apologetic again…

Thank you for complementing my bike. Yes it’s very well taken care of and have not disappoint many well intended buyers so far. Thank you for all the e-mail and thank you for letting me call of this deal. Bye!!!

Sincere,Riccardo Tan

P/S: I think you make a really good hostage taker. Negotiation don't work with you...
I think you make a really good hostage taker. When Negotiation fails, you ask for more ransom…

"Chua, Vincent" wrote:

I am sorry to inform u in singapore, any verbal agreement (or sms in this case) is binding in court.
but of course, this is too small a sum to talk about law.

anyway, like i told u, since u had agreed to sell me at that price, i had rejected offers for other waves.
and the time i wasted waiting for u and not sourcing for other deal is really not my type of fun.

i will still stick to my below offer.
Thank you. good luck selling ur bike. it is a nice bike.

Best Regards
Vincent Chua
QA Engineer
Sulzer Chemtech Pte Ltd
11 Tuas Ave 18, Singapore 638895
Tel (65) 68635492, Fax (65) 68611516

From: Riccardo Tan [] Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 4:43 PMTo: Chua, Vincent

Subject: RE: Bike Sales Agreement (template) from Riccardo

Hi Vincent,

Cool down my friend. We have not sign any agreement let alone a verbal promise yet thats why I wrote the following in my previous e-mail,"I would also like to inform you that any offer of S$3000 before the signing of our agreement will be entertained by me. Just need to let you know earlier to avoid disappointment. In the meantime, the price is $2800 for you."Nothing is comfirm untill the bike changes hands or any black and white are signed. Which means right untill saturday, any deal that comes by for my bike at S$3000 will be entertained. It will definately be a different story if I back out of the deal when I have already met you up this coming saturday and sign the agreement plus collected the deposit. Such action will be consider dishonest and not honoring the deal.I hope that clears up any misunderstanding in the e-mail. My price will be firmly S$2800 for you upon signing of the agreement. I am leaving for US soon and as much as you want to buy over the bike, I too like to sell it off ASAP.

Sincere,Riccardo Tan

"Chua, Vincent" wrote:

Dear Riccardo,
i really cannot believe that after agreeing to the deal twice, you would still want to try and sell
your bike leaving me hanging.
out of goodwill, i gave u the extention till month end to to do the transaction, paying the transfer fee
and to pay the hefty $500 deposit. but u still want to take my advantage and try to sell ur bike before inking the deal.
Had i know this would happen, i would not hv pass out other deals that had came my way. because i had trusted
your integrity.

Now, if u really are sincere in selling me the bike, i would only offer $2600.
And this is only if u Really are selling.

Thank you.

Best Regards
Vincent Chua
QA Engineer
Sulzer Chemtech Pte Ltd
11 Tuas Ave 18, Singapore 638895
Tel (65) 68635492, Fax (65) 68611516

From: Riccardo Tan [] Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 12:17 PMTo: Chua, VincentCc: majmoron@yahoo.comSubject: RE: Bike Sales Agreement (template) from Riccardo

Hi Vincent,

Thanks for your reply. I will make the required changes to the agreement prior to our saturday meeting. I will also pass you the log card on saturday so you can purchase your insurance.The bike cost S$3600 flat without Insurance and Road tax. Plate number is FZ4494Z. I will call you again on Friday evening to arrange our meeting time and place. Tentatively will be at Orchard, Cineleisure.I would also like to inform you that any offer of S$3000 before the signing of our agreement will be entertained by me. Just need to let you know earlier to avoid disappointment.

In the meantime, the price is $2800 for you.

Sincere,Riccardo Tan

"Chua, Vincent" wrote:

dear Riccardo,
i like to change 2 things in the agreement.

1. pls remove clause number 4. or just state generally "the transaction should be done latest by May 2006"
2. pls add in clause 4 "any traffic violation/s or summon/s for this vehicle before the transaction date will be solely
the responsibility of the seller"

thank you. i will fill in my details when we meet this sat. will pass u the $500 cash (it is quite a hefty deposit).
pls also bring along the original bike log card for me to purchase the insurance.
wat is the bike number? i like to check the transfer fee. thanks.

U mentioned 3600 flat. does this include insurance and transfer fee?

Best Regards
Vincent Chua
QA Engineer
Sulzer Chemtech Pte Ltd
11 Tuas Ave 18, Singapore 638895
Tel (65) 68635492, Fax (65) 68611516

From: Riccardo Tan [] Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 2:05 PMTo: Chua, VincentSubject: Bike Sales Agreement (template) from Riccardo

Hi Vincent,

Please check out the e-mail attachment. Its an example of the written agreement you will be signing to secure the purchase of my Honda Wave R. You will have to pay a deposit of S$500 to me first.

If you are fine with the document, please provide me with the following details,

Sincere,Riccardo Tan

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

1 more month to go, surviving on 56K

Less than a month to go before I head to Texas, USA on a 2 year stint with our RSAF Peace Prairie Chinook Detachment. Lots of preparation to be before leaving my beloved country. So far, I have been packing shipment
boxes with items I will be needing while in a land far far away. My room is literally filled with boxes stack on top of one another, ready to be couriered on the 13th this month. They are going to be out at the sea on a long 3 weeks journey, hopefully not on the TITANIC II, and to be unloaded at East Coast of Texas before heading down the interstate highway westbound on truck to my home in Coppell TX, St Marin/Karrington.

Have so far cancelled my Starhub Maxonline Broadband services cause no one in my family is gonna do a lot of heavy download of movies, music and porn or play online games. For the first time in 3 years, I have reverted back to the old 56Kbps dial up internet connection. The familiar dial-up tone was akin to the firing up of a old 1989 Daihatsu Charade 1.0L car and the speed leave much to be desired for some one who have been on living on a "Honda Integra Type R" internet surfing speed for the past few years. Its literally a long wait for the pages to load let alone waiting for any downloads to complete. I suddenly find myself in the Iron Age of Internet surfing (28.8kbps was the Stone Age).

My impatience with the internet surfing speed make me realise how damn fast we have all come to expect everything to be. Instand Coffee, Fastfood, Broad Band, Pentium 4 1.8GHz processor, the sound barrier, Maggi Mee, Express lane, 3 in 1 milo Ferrari...etc etc. The society just got so use to having everything at a snap of the fingers that we could feel so uncomfortable if all the fast stuff were to be taken away suddenly. Maybe once we are at the next pinnacle of improvement in any aspect of life, we just can't give it up and take a step backwards. Its sure is weird you know? Back than I was happy with the 56kbps dialup speed but not now. I don't know what to call this, Desire for improvement or Desire for comfort.

In the meantime, I just going to live with the agonising dial up speed for the time being. Oh to readers out there, I will be keeping this blog posted with all the happenings when I step on US soil.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Longest waiting time at government medical service

So when was the last time you literally have to wait for 2 long hours just to have a doctor attend to your health malfunction? I bet that was during the peak period at a government polyclinics which is noctorious for its long waiting hours and long Q. Most Singaporean just don't take care of their health very well, don't they? Prevention is better than cure don't seems to be in their mind.

So polyclinic have the longest waiting time but one day I was proven wrong and I am gonna present the a new candidate to challenge the waiting time for Polyclinic.....

THE SAF Sembawang Air Base MEDICAL CENTER!!!

One day, I went to my Air Base medical center (MC) to go through medical check-up per requirement for the U.S detachment I will be heading for in May. I reach the MC at 1.30pm sharp and was glad that other than me there was only a few sick soldier and 1 malingering chap. What false sense of security it was, I eventually have to wait for 2 long hours before I am able to meet the Medical Officer in-charge for the check up. You see, the number of patient at the MC throughout the afternoon was so little itcould seriously put any private clinic out of business.

So few patients today and it still took 2 damn long hours before my turn! I could have assume that those sick soldiers must be suffering from some kind of chronic illness that gonna kill them on that day as they have been spending 20- 30mins with the Medical Officer. I assume that the malingering chap must be honing his "Chao King" skills with the Medical Officer for 40mins. Telling me that its OK to wait for 2 long hours when I could easily count the patron on that day with 10 of my fingers is a serious joke. Even polyclinic with patient out numbering doctors 30 to 1 does not even take that long. Seriously, if it isn't chronic diseases that those guys seeing the Medical Officer have, there is a serious "Take My Own Sweet Time" attitude. Or maybe the sick soldier just ask too much question...

Sir I am giddy
Sir My backside pain
Sir my tummy bloated (beer belly)
Sir my hand cannot move
Sir, am I going to die?

Adding to the agony of this horrible afternoon was the torrential rain just when I am about to leave the Medical center. CAT1 rain from 1500HRS to 1700HRS. Sigh, bo bian lan lan have to wait for the weather to clear. Tried to entertain myself with the BroadBand internet kiosk at the MC which is a total disgrace to the term broadband, it took forever to load a page making it more like "Bo"-Band (Bo=Don't have in hokkien).

Happen to saw one of my colleague came into the medical center with laceration on his palm, he have fell down on the slippery road in base and seems to be very happy to suffer that injury. The medic on duty patch up his wound and promptly gave him one day MC... no wonder so happy. The most interesting thing I overheard during the long wait for the rain to stop was between two corporal...

Ah Kow: Eh! You reporting sick huh?
Ah Neow: Yah lor... Fever leh, 37 degree.
Ah Kow: Must get MC lor! Don't waste. Can make even hotter by eating
toothpaste! Confirm temperature shoot high high leh! Sure get 2 days one.
Ah Neow: Aiya, Why never tell me earlier? Wasted lah...

SAF encourages all soldiers to be thinking soldiers since we are all better educated now. Kudos to the corporal who suggest using toothpaste... Next one was a request made by a Private reporting sick for Fever...

Private Ryan (to medic on duty): Can I also request for the Medical Officer to check out the pimples on my face?

WTF? Got fever already still concern about the pimples on your face? You think Sembawang Air Base medical center is Marie France Bodyline or Expression Wellness is it?

Long wait at the Medical Center, Long wait for the rain to stop and all with a rumbling hungry stomach cause wait till did not take lunch. Rush home at full speed to have a warm bowl of KOKA instant noodle.

Sunday, April 02, 2006