Sick of workplace audit
Its the time of the year again. The Audit period where everyone is like the ants of a disturbed nest. This is the time where we open up the can of worms to find more worms and to dig it all up and fill up those cans with peach, pineapples and everything sweet. Work is not an unopen can of worms untill each year when the Audit comes.
No wonder we laugh at ourselves when we watch the local Singapore production "Just Follow Law 我在政府部门的日子" for it so well reflect how the Audit each year was carried out... a facade of well painted walls hiding stuff that deems to be unfit for viewing not because its illegal or what, but because it is not listed in our "Holy Bible" that its something that should be use, seen or even exist.
That not to say that there is anything wrong with us to be Audited but I just felt its a waste of taxpayer money to send almost half a platoon size of official just to come here to nick pick problems on us. At the end of the day, I and many others are more concern about meeting safety and operational requirement of our Base rather than trivia things involving paper pushing and endless cover your ass/cover my ass paper work.
Aiyah....what the hell. Call me a renegade if you wanna. Think of it, even if the Audit results are not too promising, the planes still fly, we still have to work, salary still comes on the 10th and I'm not dead, so whats the big issue anyway?
"Its easy to put on a show , but to be honest to oneself, not lying to oneself , it is hard."
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