Friday, September 17, 2004

Touch down on Earth

RaSeaf to Control, we have touch down on earth-- 17 Sep 9.35pm

Well actually I just woke up... from dream land

What a good day it is today. Work only start at 12 today and I have extra hours of sleep today. Gonna be a tough day later on cause gonna go for field excercise practicing fire movement and digging trenches. Damn, I thought I never have to experience any of this Army stuff when I am in the Air Force. Unfortunately I am posted to Sembawang Air Base, home of the Rotary Wings (Helicopter). The base is a major supporter of Army operation here we are required to know how to survive outfield in the heat, trees, mosquitoes and mud. Luckily the field exercise is only conducted once a year.

The outfield exercise will last from 12noon to almost mid night. sigh, there goes my friday evening. Hopefully we don't meet any predators in the forest. May god bless us all....

1 comment:

Elvin said...

Welcome to earth!
Happy training for AHM 2004.