Saturday, August 16, 2008

Found my SBO and Helmet

So it was left in the base or should I say abandoned in my flight locker room for 2 years. Happy to find it... surprisingly its not covered with thick layer of dust. In fact its clean and dust free even though its left on top of the locker I used previously...

And for today exciting news... I drove down to Orchard road in the evening and have to pay S$1 ERP fee. Before passing through the ERP gantry, an electronic signboard shows the charges and I double check to ensure the cash card is in the IU. After passing through the gantry, I heard a long buzzing sound the the IU and found it pretty awkward. Than there was not display of my remaining balance which normally shows up after passing through the ERP gantry. After risking driving with my left hand and checking the cashcard + IU with my right hand... I was surprise to find that our multi-million dollar "Every Road Pay" system did not deduct S$1 from my cash card.

Now I'm just waiting for the summon letter to come and appeal the case. The fine is S$10. Turn out after a search on the internet that I'm not the only unfortunate soul to face this problem...

More motorists plagued by errors at ERP gantries

Guess I'm just part of the "More Motorist". Nowadays the avenue of revenue is not only from the ERP gantry but from unjustified fines to motorist like me...

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