Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!
Its the 4th Thursday of November and its THANKSGIVING DAY!!! And there is no work on Friday which links up to Saturday and Sunday. That equals to 4 days of break!!! Yippie!!!
So whats ThanksGiving Day? I have "Wikipedia-ed" it right HERE
Most shop is close today, even MacDonald. The atmosphere out door is like the first day of Chinese New Year in Singapore, nothing is open and everyone is taking a break to THANK God. I will be staying at home for rest after a long night of Guard Duty since yesterday evening. As for today evening, we got some new guys coming from Singapore to work right here in Peace Prairie Detachment and I will be heading down to give a red carpet welcome to them at Dallas/Ft.Worth Airport.
Man....can't believe I have already been here for 7 months. When I first arrive, I was recieved warmly at the airport by my seniors (really appreciate that) and I was totally new birdie and blur about US from shopping to supermarket, from the direction of road to the driver's side of the car. Since its Thanksgiving Day, I got to thanks all the guys who helped me oriented myself in United States and guided me during work. There is a Chinese saying "在家靠父母,出外靠朋友" (At home get the support of parents, when away from home get the support from friends). The saying is very very true and working in a foreign land, your friends and colleague are the closes to you when help and support is needed. They are like my family.
And the beauty of helping each other like a family is that its contagious. Good things get pass down from one person to another and I will pass down whatever good things I recieved to the new guys who will be needing it for their stay in Dallas and I'm hope this spirit will be pass on from them to the next new birds coming in like a never ending relay.
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