Monday, January 31, 2005

Doodle Doodle Doodle

Yup, when there is nothing to write about, just doodle which mean write anything that is in your mind.

Today, due to some chemical spill, I was not aware that some of the chemical actually splash onto my army socks. Still, I carried on working after cleaning up the area because its never good to leave spilled chemical around your work area. Happpily working and little did I realise my soaked socks is starting to do harm to my leg. Moments later, while resting in the crew room, I felt a burning sensation on my leg. At first, I try to ignore the sensation thinking that is was just probably a tight socks on a hot day. Sensation grows into pain! It felt like millions of ants are chewing onto my leg. However, there is still work to be rushed for and taking off my shoes and socks at that moment was a NO NO. I could not afford to waste my colleague time on my leg....better to concentrate on work.

Bearing the pain like a moron, I continued working for an hour till work cease. Finally, time to remove my shoes and see what kind of damage 2 hours of soaking have cause. Have you ever seen roast pork? Well, for both leg, from my ankle up to half the length of my lower was flaming red! That gave me a shock. Exposing the naked leg to air add on another dimension of pain to it. Seems like the wind carries a million glass shards piercing my leg. Eventually I got a pail of water and dip both my legs into in, expecting the water to boil since those limbs of mine looks flaming hot. Luckily still can walk and ride back home with no issue.

Luckily, its recovery right now....5 hours after removing those damn socks. Still few like there are a few red ants bitting here and there but the pain is not that horrible compare to what i felt hours ago. Conclusion: Air Force Technician job sometime is really D&D. Not Dinner & Dance, Not Dungeon & Dragon but Dirty & Dangerous.

Guys, share with you my squadron mission, vision and value. I have finally manage to memorize by heart. Hope you all find it meaningful.


First Class Squadron, World Class Logistician


To Deliver Work Class Logistic through
Expert in Engineering
Skill in Mantainence
Safety in Practice


Operational Readiness
People Development

1 comment:

WS said...

Looks like you must practice hard on your Safety values in your Air Force's mission statement. Do take care in the future. :)
Btw Chinese New Year is coming, want to meet up for a gathering of food and poker? Haha!