Friday, April 24, 2009

Exam and holiday around the corner... Poor decision maker at work

Its almost 5 months now and I'm glad so far I am surviving in one piece instead of pieces. My grades have been pretty good for all 4 modules I'm undertaking for Aerospace Engineering. Just took the last quiz for Aerospace Management today and I am very confident to score for this one for its surprisingly easier than I thought. 1 down, 2 to go, 2 more test and it will be a long break before the examination on the 13th, 14th and 15th. The last time I ever have this exam crunch feeling was back in secondary school days when we all got our mid year and end year exam.

Already I am planning for my semester break conveniently labeled as holiday in my thought. First, I will be taking my Open Water Diving License in June at Tioman to fulfill one of my goal for the year. Next the 2 month break will be a great time to get back to my modeling hobby (figurative, not catwalk). Got 2 Gundam kit to build up but priority will given to a sports car and sports bike model I promised to complete with glory of colors. Its almost 6 months overdue!!! My friend had been generous to give me all his spray paint supplies and I am sure you are reading my blog right now. During this break will also be the time to hook up with my dear brothers for more drinking session especially during our brother bachelor's night before his big day on the 20th of June.

Well... for the mean time, it will be full throttle till the exam ends. I am already feeling pretty sluggish this days probably due to burn out from working and schooling concurrently. No choice lah...need the money and need the knowledge, both don't come free. Thats why my blog entry had been dwindling in numbers.

Talking about work, maybe this is something for my fellow work mate to ponder about,

"Lack of a well defined power of decision: Men who succeed reach decisions promptly and change them, if at all, very slowly. Men who fail reach decisions, if at all, very slowly and change them frequently and quickly. "

And I experience the effect of indecisive decision making recently. It not only confused all of us at work but also affected the morale badly especially for the junior guys. In the word of one junior "It makes the day salty". Why can't "they" be decisive and make one decision instead of changing it again and again with a span of 2 hours? Super wasted effort to install and re-install...install and re-install. Sigh... ... we need better leaders.

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