Thursday, March 19, 2009

28th March 2009 is Earth Day.

A list of ideas you can implement, no matter where you live!
8:30pm Saturday 28 March 2009

In 2007, more than two million Sydney businesses and households turned off their lights for
one hour - Earth Hour - sending a powerful global message that it’s possible to take action on
climate change.

Just one year later, Earth Hour reached more than 50 million people in 35 countries across 18
timezones, and the campaign shifted from a Sydney event to a global sustainability movement.
In 2009, Earth Hour aims to reach one billion people in 1000 cities worldwide. If you want to
bring Earth Hour to your town or city on 28 March 2009 at 8:30pm, this will help you get

**Extracted from the "Earth Hour Guide"**

On 28th March 2009, lets commemorate Earth Day by switching off our lights at 8.30pm for 1 hour. Lets show Earth that we all can save lots of energy for an hour a year just by turning off the lights. Nothing too inconvenient though for you can still keep your TV set on.

Why is saving energy important? Of course the obvious reasons are saving energy means saving your pocket from the rising utility bills! But have you ever pondered on the wider benefit to mankind when we exercise good energy utilization habits and the wide implication of energy wastage? I hope you will join a common cause of saving our planet by participating in this simple activity that was first saw action in 2007 in Sydney where 2.7 million people turn of their lights for 1 hour. Today, this simple "green" action had spread to many parts of the world and an estimated 50 million people participated just last year. Imagine the huge energy saved in just that hour alone.

The action is a signal that WE the people of the earth CAN make efforts to SAVE our earth. ENERGY and reduce the impact on our climate change. Many profit and non-profit organization in Singapore are participating. I like to invite all readers to participate as will make for a very interesting evening on the 28th of March 2009. Can host a simple candle light dinner.

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