Headache is nothing but a sensation created by the human brain as a respond to stress and pain, both physical and psychological. The human body comprise millions of nerve cell, sensors around the body responsible for sensing of physical stimuli like pleasure and pain, good taste and bad taste, pungent and fragrance. All this sensors as I had choose to call them transmit signals to the nerve processing center, the brain, which create a appropriate bodily and emotional respond.
When there is an overload of information coupled with psychological stresses like deadlines, lack of information, reporting to superior, fear, in confidence our entire brain become highly stressed and start responding with headache, sending signal to the entire body to cease the activity however at the same time getting signal from the long term memory that stoppage=failure, facing reprimand, lost of job, work pile up, $$$. This become rather restrictive to a person work and affects his/her performance ultimately.
Our brain the processing center of our body. In our line of work, information center are Command Post, Ops Center, HQ, the prime contractor, the middle management team and basically anyone or department coordinating effort between the top decision makers and the ground workers. You see, decision makers make or break decision while the ground workers make or break the work... in the middle of this process are the unfortunate sandwiched middle work force who sometimes have to juggle the outrageous requirements,deadline or action of the decision makers and the restrictive, poor morale and unconvinced man on the ground. This is an extreme case causing extreme stress to the "brain" of the organization whose livelihood depends on making both party satisfied.
In my opinion... you either be the humble guy doing the grunt and ground work and keep work life simple or the Top decision makers who make life difficult for a good or bad down the chain but never the middle management who get squeeze dry.